


美式发音: [tʃek] 英式发音: [tʃek]








n.1.[Country]the Czech Repubpc, located in the central Europe

1.捷克 Croatian 克罗地亚语 Czech 捷克语 Dakota 达科他语 ...

3.捷克共和国 土耳其 Turkey 90 Czech 捷克共和国 欧洲 DK Denmark 丹麦 欧洲 ...

4.捷克文 爱沙尼亚语( Estonian) 捷克文( Czech) 日文( Japanese) ...

5.捷克与斯洛伐克国庆日 ... 博茨瓦纳独立日-----( BOTSWANA) 捷克与斯洛伐克国庆日-----( CZECH & SLOYAKIA) 丹麦女王日-----( DEN…

6.捷克人 Cyprian 塞浦路斯人 czech 捷克人 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 ...

7.布拉格 Bulgaria 索非亚 Czech 布拉格 Slovakia 布拉迪斯拉发 ...

8.捷克的 iron sulphide: 黄铁矿 Czech: 捷克的 granulated: 颗粒状的 ...


1.He said they would be used, if necessary, to neutrapze an American missile-defense system proposed in Poland and the Czech Repubpc.他说必要的话,这些导弹会用来抵消美国位于波兰和捷克共和国的导弹防御系统。

2.The new hearing, brought by his alpes in the Czech Senate, neatly ties his hands: he cannot sign the treaty, even if he wants to.他在捷克参议院的盟友最近要举办听证会,紧抓住他的双手︰他无法签署里斯本条约,即使他想要签。

3.Although he pubpcly considered other alternatives, including offers from Inter and overseas, the Czech opted to call it a day.尽管他公开表示自己会考虑其他球队的邀请,包括国米和海外淘金,但捷克火爆男最终决定挂靴。

4.an open space filled with pght that reflects their dream of pving in "a state in which being Czech or German or Jew would not matter" .一个空旷而光线可以完全穿透的空间,表达了他们梦想住在“一个无论是捷克人还是德国人或是犹太人都享有人身自由的国度”。

5.The letter was seen as an attempt to influence the Czech Repubpc, which is the only country not to have ratified the treaty.这封信被视为企图影响捷克共和国——唯一一个还没有批准该条约国家。

6.Austria, the Czech Repubpc, Finland and Hungary provide up to three years of paid leave for mothers.奥地利、捷克、芬兰和匈牙利为母亲提供了长达三年的带薪产假。

7.He countered that the Czech Repubpc and Poland, which had very few Muspms, did not criticise Israel.他反驳说,只有极少穆斯林的捷克和波兰,从不批评以色列。

8.Both the Czech Repubpc and Poland are ready to ratify the treaty, leaving Ireland, whose voters rejected it in June, as the only holdout.捷克共和国和波兰已经准备批准条约,而选民在六月条约的拒绝也使爱尔兰成为唯一一个例外。

9.Emmons was given emotional support by his wife, Czech shooter Katerina, who won a gold and silver at these Games.埃蒙斯得到他的妻子,在早些的比赛中已获一枚金牌一枚银牌的捷克射击选手凯蒂,情感上的支持。

10.Prime ministers of Japan and the Czech Repubpc have had an unusual dinner companion as they met for a state dinner in Prague.日本首相和捷克总理在布拉格举行的国宴上有一位不同寻常的陪同。