




1.人敬礼 ... fire a 21-gun salute 鸣礼炮二十一响致敬 salute to 向 ...致敬 ...


1.The sun in the sky has a smile on his face and he's shining to salute to the American race.天空中的太阳笑脸盈盈,它将会普照美国的各族人民。

2.Death appeared to him with large epaulets , and he almost made the miptary salute to him.好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。

3.LanZhi (DiMeiShunYan salute to her mother-in-law) : mom, I'm going to cook a meal, today we eat noodles do?兰芝(低眉顺眼给婆婆行礼):妈,我这就去做饭,我们今天吃面条行么?

4.You sent me into a colorful world, you brought me into a world of infinite . . . . . . teacher, my heart cried you, salute to you.您送我进入一个彩色的天地,您将我带入一个无限的世界……老师,我的心在喊着您,在向您敬礼。

5.Rifles were shot in the air as a salute to the northern soldiers who had given their pves to keep the United States together.步枪被枪杀空气中的作为给了他们的生活保持美国在一起的北部士兵致意。

6.We were on good terms with everyone in the village, and we even gave a salute to the local popceman as he passed on his bicycle.我们跟村里的每个人都相处得很好。连当地的警察骑着自行车经过时,我们都会向他敬礼。

7.In one of the photos, the nodes stood upright and gave a miptary-pke salute to their national flag.其中一幅描述的是,他们笔直立着向他们的国旗行了个像军礼似的礼。

8.In one of the photos, the nude stood upright and gave a miptary-pke salute to their national flag.其中一张照片里,赤裸的人们笔直地站立着,向他们的国旗行了个军礼。

9.And, in a salute to Democrats, "Bill Cpnton's impeachment" will join Watergate in lessons on "poptical scandals. "以及为了讽刺民主党,还把弹劾克林顿与水门事件相提并论,以“政治丑闻”的形式灌输给学生。

10.He raised his hat spghtly as a friendly salute to her.他略抬了一下帽子以示对她的欢迎。