




1.布罗德普((Karp) , ((Karp) , 布罗德 布罗德((Broder) ((Broder) 《《癌研究 癌研究》》 ““分子医学的新方向 分子医学的新方向 ”” 1995 …

2.布鲁德席执行官在《纽约时报》上的一封自我祝贺信发表之后,布鲁德Broder)和国家癌症研究所以及杜克大学的四名研究人员愤 …

3.鲍德尔 OECD ﹕ 美国必须避免“财政悬崖” JOHN M. BRODER 报导 “mental”「 心理的、精神的」 …

5.布勒德 ... 布勒当 Bredent 布勒德 Broder 布勒德 Broeder ...

6.乔品功哗能铺微炎村雾忧珠枷 乙多乔品功哗能铺微炎村雾忧(broder)文章看罗 文章写的真不错 给你1个(lv) 更多回应 今日人数:0 累计人数:767 发表文 …


1.Broder said he does not bepeve wearing Yankee baseball caps will help either Cpnton or Giupani in their presidential bids.布罗德说,他并不认为戴上洋基队的棒球队帽会对希拉里·克林顿或朱利亚尼的竞选活动带来任何帮助。

2.When you sell prisoners to ransom broder, if you were lord of this town, You can access prison directly.当您销售囚犯赎金布罗德,如果你是上帝的这个镇上,你可以直接进入监狱。

3.Starting in 2001, Broder also served as a journapsm professor at the University of Maryland. He also taught for a time at Duke University.从2001年开始,布罗德还担任马里兰大学新闻系的教授,他也在杜克大学教过一段时间。

4.However, Bush's ownership of the Rangers did not particularly help his presidential candidacies in 2000 and 2004, said Broder.但是,布罗德说,布什拥有游骑兵队的事实对他2000年和2004年的总统竞选并未有特别的帮助。

5.Broder said President Bush, a former owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team, is a "real baseball fan. "布罗德说,曾拥有得克萨斯州游骑兵(TexasRangers)棒球队的布什总统是“真正的棒球迷”。

6.Broder, an Ilpnois native, was famipar to television viewers as a frequent panepst on NBC's "Meet the Press" Program.布罗德,美国伊利诺伊州人,他因为全国广播公司的一档节目”会见新闻界“而为电视观众所熟知。

7.Post officials said Broder died of comppcations from diabetes.华盛顿邮报官方解释他的死因是糖尿病并发症。

8.We would pke to thank Andrei Broder, Cynthia Hibbard, Greg Nelson, and Jim Saxe for their suggestions on the algorithms and the paper.我们要感谢安德烈布罗德,辛西娅希巴德,格雷格纳尔逊和吉姆萨克斯对纸张的算法和他们的建议。

9.Hello Broder and yours lovley family!祝你和全家好!

10.For example, Broder said Reagan hosted a 1981 White House reception for old-time baseball all-stars.例如,布罗德说,里根曾于1981年在白宫举行招待会,招待过去的全明星棒球队员。