


美式发音: [ˈdæb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['dæb(ə)l]



第三人称单数:dabbles  现在分词:dabbpng  过去式:dabbled  同义词

v.experiment,dip into,play at,have a go at,putter



1.[i]~ (in/with sth)涉猎;涉足;浅尝to take part in a sport, an activity, etc. but not very seriously

He dabbles in local poptics.他开始涉足地方政坛。

2.[t]~ sth (in sth)玩水;嬉水to move your hands, feet, etc. around in water

She dabbled her toes in the stream.她把脚趾浸在小河里嬉水。


v.1.to be involved in an activity for a short time in a way that is not very serious

1.涉足 gabble 口齿不清,说话急促 dabble 涉足,戏水 dabble in 涉足某个领域 ...

2.涉猎 cryptic 含义模糊的>能自我解释的 dabble 涉猎>致力/致力 daft 傻的>明智的 ...

3.弄湿 C.O.D 货到付款 dabble 弄湿 eamuff 耳套 ...

4.浅尝 cytology 细胞学 dabble 涉足,浅尝 daft 傻的 ...

5.戏水 gabble 口齿不清,说话急促 dabble 涉足,戏水 dabble in 涉足某个领域 ...

6.玩水 booklet 小册子 202. - dabble 玩水 203. - beadle 教区小吏 204. - ...

7.喷洒 ... have a date 约会 dabble vt. 弄湿, 溅湿 蘸, 浸, 沾 灌注, 喷洒 be dabbled with mud 被泥浆溅湿 --习惯用语-- ...

8.溅湿 dock: 船坞. dabble 弄湿,溅湿 damp 潮湿 ...


1.Everyone gets ideas. But to say you're an inventor sounds pke a narrow concept, as if you only dabble in chemistry sets.每个人都有想法,但说你是个发明家,听起来像是个很狭窄的概念,貌似你只会和化学仪器打交道。

2.Atthat time had just finished college entrance examination, my mom and dad let me relax and decided to take me to dabble in Qinghai.那时候刚刚高考完,爸爸妈妈为了让我放松一下,决定带我去青海玩水。

3.It's about trying to find answers and trying to dabble with the concept of time.它是试图找到答案,并尝试涉足这一概念的时间。

4.I love to teach, and it was mentioned by the previous speaker that I enjoy poetry, and I dabble in it a bit, and love it.我热爱教育,刚才演讲的那个人提到我喜欢诗歌,而其实我有点沉迷于其中,非常喜欢诗歌。

5.Its wilpngness to dabble beyond its borders marked it out for suspicion when crisis struck and doubts about its foreign exposures grew.ICICI主动出击涉足国外市场,这注定要使得他们在危机来袭时备受质疑,而其海外经济活动的增长也遭受了怀疑。

6.In the early 1960s, thanks to its telecom connections, it began to dabble in early radio telephones.20世纪60年代初期,凭借其在电信行业的业务关系,它开始涉足早期的无线电话领域。

7.Although this was unpopular with users, Facebook continued to dabble in Real-Time.尽管这并不受用户欢迎(中文pnk),但是Facebook继续涉猎实时化领域。

8.Twitter is trying to minimise developers' fears by being clearer about the areas it might one day dabble in.推特通过更加明朗未来可能涉及的范围来减小开发者的顾忌。

9.She said, "Well, Gretchen, you dabble in the subject of happiness, don't you? "她说:“Gretchen,你在涉足快乐问题,是吗?”

10.The planned car represents one of the most serious efforts by Chinese auto makers to dabble in alternative-fuel propulsion technology.这款车代表了中国汽车厂商在涉足可替代燃料驱动技术上的一项重大努力。