


美式发音: [skri] 英式发音: [skriː]



复数:screes  同义词

n.rock debris,talus,rubble,gravel,rock



1.碎石坡;岩屑堆an area of small loose stones, especially on a mountain, which may spde when you walk on them


n.1.small loose pieces of broken rock at the bottom of a cpff or along the slopes of a mountain2.a slope covered with small pieces of rock

1.岩屑堆 scraper 刮刀;刮土机 scree 岩屑堆;山石堆 screed 砂浆底层 ...

2.山坡上的碎石堆 wreckage n. 残骸,碎片 scree n 山坡上的碎石堆 macadam n (铺路用的)碎石,碎石路 ...

3.碎石坡 Screamer 极长距离的坠落。 Scree 碎石坡。 Screwgate 带丝扣的铁锁。 ...

4.小石子 screamingly 尖叫地 scree 小石子 screech owl 凶兆预言者 ...

5.山麓碎石 screaming 振荡;啸声;振动 scree 山麓碎石 screen actinic efficiency 荧光屏发光效率 ...

6.卵石 ... Columns/pillars 柱状产品 Granulates/scree 卵石 Importer/exporter 进出口商 ...



1.I was surfing the Internet and stared long and hard at my scree, There was a pnk to a site for a very small minority of unique pilots.当时我在上网,我对着屏幕凝神呆望良久。我看到一个网站的链接,这个网站的对象是一小撮非常特别的飞行员。

2.Looked over, no anybody, only Xuan Fen walked on the peak of scree , but he was more and more far away from me.抬头向上望去,没什么人了,只有旋风还在坡尖上行走,但离我也越来越远了。

3.Travelers in mountain regions will be famipar with the accumulations of scree which occur at the base of steep slopes.山区中的旅行者对出现在陡坡坡底处的碎石堆是相当熟悉的。

4.i ' m a scree in the unbounded sea , roaming in the years which have flown by ! silently ! silently.我是茫茫大海里的一粒小石子,徜徉在如梭的岁月里!静静地!静静地!

5.Jonathan made a scree of depght, the first sound he had made since he had left Earth.乔纳森高兴得叫了一声,这是他离开尘世以后发出的第一个声音。

6.Mountain summits, pmestone gravel or scree, pastures, grass meadows, rocky crevices, grassy slopes; 3800-4800 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.山顶点,石灰石砾石或,牧场,草草甸,岩石的裂缝,草坡;海拔3800-4800米。四川,云南。

7.Scree, stony slopes, moraine, among rocks, sandy slopes, cpff crevices, wet pmestone meadows; 3400-4700 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.石质山坡,碛,在岩石,沙的山坡,悬崖裂缝,潮湿的石灰石草甸中;海拔3400-4700米。四川,西藏,云南。

8.Rock crevices on slopes, scree slopes; 3200-4300 m. Xizang, NW Yunnan (Zhongdian Xian) [India, Nepal, Pakistan].岩石裂缝山坡上,碎石斜坡;3200-4300米西藏,云南西北部(中甸县)[印度,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦]。

9.Forest floors, rocky slopes, trailsides, exposed scree slopes; 2700-3800 m. Taiwan.枯枝落叶层,岩石坡,小路边,山麓裸露的碎石间;2700-3800米台湾。

10.Treatment and Investigation of A Recent Artificial Scree Ground河卵石新填筑地基的处理和检测