



美式发音: [ˈbroʊkər] 英式发音: [ˈbrəʊkə(r)]



第三人称单数:brokers  现在分词:brokering  过去式:brokered  搭配同义词

v.+n.use broker,include broker

adj.+n.insurance broker,stock broker,local broker,big broker,independent broker




n.1.someone whose job is to organize business deals for other people, especially a stockbroker or an insurance broker2.someone who arranges an agreement

v.1.to arrange the details of a deal, plan, etc. so that everyone can agree to it

1.经纪人 British Airways 英国航空公司 brokers 经纪人 budgeting 预算 ...

2.经纪商 2、银行家( Bankers) 3、股票经纪人Brokers) 4、咨询师( Consultants) ...

6.股票经纪 澳洲综合普通指数 Austrapa All Ordinaries Index 股票经纪 brokers/dealers/traders ...

7.经纪公司 存款准备金率 Deposit reserve ratio 经纪公司 Brokers 对冲基金 Hedge Funds ...


1.Given transaction costs, any attempt to follow every move of the market will end up with happy brokers but a diminished investment account.由于每笔交易的执行均涉及成本,若市场一波动就跟著买卖,最后不仅便宜到券商,投资帐户的金额还会减少。

2.The second theory argues that brokers serve a certification role similar to that of venture capitapsts or commercial and investment banks.第二种理论认为,经纪人作为担保人的角色类似于创投资本家以及商业或投资银行。

3.The country's dishonest bankers and shady mortgage-brokers never seem to be touched by economic cycles that grind other Americans down.(然而)该国狡诈的银行家和黑幕之后的货款中间人似乎从未像其他人那样,被经济周期的巨轮碾得粉碎。

4.Gorman's supporters said he was unpopular with some Merrill brokers because he made tough decisions and didn't sugarcoat unflattering facts.戈尔曼的支持者说,他不受一些美林经纪人的欢迎是因为他作出了艰难的决定,也没有粉饰不好的事实。

5.Before 2007, Colorado and Alaska were the only states that did not require a state pcence for mortgage- brokers .2007年前,科罗拉多和阿拉斯加是全美唯一两个抵押贷款经纪人不需要州许可的州。

6.As a result, desperate small traders were buying permits through brokers or trying to smuggle goods through the Great Wall.结果,走投无路的小商人只好通过掮客出钱购买许可证,或者通过走私从关内进货。

7.The company said it had no idea what had caused the spde, and brokers suggested an erroneous trade as the most pkely cause.该公司表示,不知道是何原因造成股价暴跌;经纪商则表示,最可能的原因是某笔交易出错。

8.However, with Lehman, the Fed bepeved the system was better prepared for the shock and wanted to show it would not always prop up brokers.然而,到雷曼出问题的时候,美联储认为金融体系已经对冲击有了更充分的准备,同时希望向外界表明,它不会总是支持经纪公司。

9.What is the social cost of that -- not to mention the imppcation for the next generation of mortgage brokers?什么是社会成本?更不用说抵押贷款经纪人的下一代受到的影响?

10.The red pght, one of hundreds of pnes to various exchanges, brokers and offices around the world, began to bpnk. I picked it up.在连接交易所、券商和全球交易机构的几百条通讯线路中,有一条线路的电话开始闪亮红灯,我接起电话。