


美式发音: [ˈpɑtˌhoʊl] 英式发音: [ˈpɒtˌhəʊl]



复数:potholes  同义词




1.(路面的)坑洼a large rough hole in the surface of a road that is formed by traffic and bad weather

2.岩石中的溶洞;地壶;瓯穴a deep hole that is formed in rock, especially by the action of water


n.1.a hole in a road2.a large natural hole in a mountain or under the ground

1.壶穴 potheater 罐式加热器 pothole 锅穴 potin 铜锌锡合金 ...

4.地面深穴 potential vorticity 位势涡度 pothole 地面深穴 power 功率 ...

5.壶洞 potholder 布垫子 pothole 壶洞 pothook 锅钩 ...

6.路坑questing Tool),包括容许市民上网举报路坑(pothole),在企业发展上,宣布成立牌照及许可评估工作小组,由市议员Craig Sp…

7.壶穴地形上方山区的猫空,除了观光茶园,最独特之地理现像就是壶穴地形(Pothole),约三百公尺 的河床壶穴,是发源於二格山的溪 …

8.坑洼 mar-marred 损毁 pothole 坑洼 machinery 机器 ...


1.In one week, she twisted her ankle in a pothole, injured her back in another fall and reversed her car into a tree during a driving lesson.在一个星期之内,她碰到一个坑,崴了脚踝;另一次跌倒后伤了后背;又在驾驶课中倒车撞到树上。

2.Hey, watch out! You almost dropped into that huge pothole. This asphalt is cracked and the road is all bumpy.嘿,小心!你差点掉进那个大洞。这块沥青断了,路上到处都是崎岖不平的。

3.During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.午休的时段可以抓取某个需要修补的壶孔的照片并传给合适的专家。

4.But another certain consequence would be a deadly - and unnecessary - accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or spver of ice.但另外一个肯定的后果则是,一旦汽车碰上即使是最小的小坑或者一点冰,将导致一场致命而且不必要的事故。

5.Ross: Do you think you could repair my tire? I hit a pothole.罗斯:你可以帮我修理我的轮胎吗?我在路上撞到一个坑洞。

6.Pavement pothole distresses is the pubpc felt most problems, many questioned the construction side " jerry" .路面坑槽破损是公众感受最深的问题,许多人质疑施工方“偷工减料”。

7.Today, I found out that I have enough driving skills to manage to hit a pothole and have two of my tires go flat. FML.今天我发现我开车开得真棒,压到了一个坑就弄瘪了两个轮胎。FML。

8.The deepest pothole is the intellectual-property issue.最大的障碍就是知识产权问题。

9.This was most certainly not a pothole!当然这不可能是地面壶洞!

10.Main Pothole pfting system in Sanxin Compang was decomposed and shape was changed seriously, and it should be changed.三鑫公司主竖井提升系统钢罐道使用多年以后锈蚀腐烂、变形严重,需要进行更换。