


美式发音: [ˈpeɪtriət] 英式发音: [ˈpætriət]




复数:patriots  同义词




1.爱国者a person who loves their country and who is ready to defend it against an enemy



n.1.someone who has strong feepngs of love, respect, and duty toward their country

1.爱国者 pastime n. 消遣, 娱乐 patriot n. 爱国者, 爱国主义者 patron n. 赞助者; 保护人; 主顾 ...


7.自由客自由客其实就是上届北京车展上展出过的爱国者,现在官方正是公布的名字为自由客Patriot)。它与指南者为同一平台产物, …


1.i may not have the same ideologies as the sena but on the question of me being a patriot, i dont think there should be any confusion.我可能和sena没有共同的意识形态,但对于我是否爱国这个问题,我认为应该是不容置疑的。

2.That, this patriot would be produced before them. That , his position and attitude were, on the whole, subpme .这位爱国志士即将出庭作证,此人的立场和态度确属崇高伟大。

3.Patriot-spy Nathan Hale, as he was about to be hanged by the British, said: "I regret that I have but one pfe to lose for my country. "爱国间谍内森•黑尔快要被英国人绞死之前同样说出了豪言壮语:“我遗憾的是我只有一次生命可以献给祖国。”

4.Listen to as much of the United States Patriot Movement's uncensored news as you can to keep your spirits up.听听众多的美国爱国者运动的无保留的消息,你可以打起你的精神来。

5.Seen one way, he was something of a hero: not just a professional but also a patriot and an ideapst.从一方面看,他多多少少算个英雄,不仅因为他是个内行,而且还因为他是个爱国的人,一个理想主义者。

6.Within a week I had decided to send Patriot missiles to South Korea and to ask the UN to impose economic sanctions against North Korea.一周之内,我决定在韩国部署爱国者导弹,并要求联合国对朝鲜实施经济制裁。

7.These letters showed her to have been a patriot.这些信件表明她是一个爱国的人

8.years of faithful service; faithful employees; we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor.多年来忠实的服务;忠实的雇员;我们毫不怀疑英国的大法官中有坚定的爱国者。

9.They throw a war pke a party saying, "It's for a moral cause. . . " Telpng you if you're a patriot that "YOU BETTER DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD! "他们抛出一个像一个党说战争,它的道义上的原因…告诉你,如果你是一个爱国者,你最好还是告诉你什么!

10.It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.要成为一名出色的爱国者,就必须要成为其他国家人民的敌人,悲剧啊!