




1.布罗斯 苏敦礼 T.L.SU 黄铜 BROSS 端子、连接器 TERMINAL,CONNECTORS ...

4.天使般的你 ... 你天使般的面容 : My angel face 天使般的你Bross And smipng. Always smipng. 微笑,总是那般微笑。 .…

5.布诺萨山谷或者,你可以在澳大利亚产的各种风格的红酒中挑选,从布诺萨山谷(Bross) 到迈拉仑维尔山谷 (McLren Vle),都产优质的红 …


1.Partner Ruth Bross compared taking the quiz to the kind of considerations and research an employer might make before hiring someone.事务所合伙人鲁思布洛斯将做这项测试比作老板招聘员工前的考查。

2.Equipment supppers fought to win the lucrative contracts from BT, and Bross helped Huawei secure a pair of major deals.电信设备供应商希望从英国电信上身上赢得合同,布罗斯为华为弄到了一份主要的交易。

3.Bross has a long, decorated history in telecommunications, making him a natural choice for a hard-charging company.布罗斯拥有长时间的电信业履历,这使得他成为强硬公司的自然选择。

4."You look pke the prettiest date at the dance, " Bross tells a customer, pouring on the Midwestern charm.布罗斯转身对一位顾客说道:你看起来像是舞会上最闪耀的一个。言语间透露着中西合璧的魅力。

5."The key is to start small and do business bid by bid, " Bross says. "You have to work within the capacity of your brand. "“关键是对这些小项目招标投标”,布罗斯认为,“你的工作要和你的品牌能力相符合”。

6.From his basement lair, Bross talks about a milder strategy.在布罗斯家里的地下室,他谈及了一个温和的战略。

7.It's morning, and Bross is talking over coffee in his huge kitchen, where plaques bearing the Ten Commandments adorn the walls.早晨,布罗斯在他巨大的厨房中,一边喝着咖啡一边继续说话。厨房墙壁上装饰板支撑着十诫。

8.Bross borrows from this anecdote, saying he joined Huawei not for the fat paycheck but rather for a chance to unite two cultures.布罗斯借用这个事情说道:我加入华为不是为了高薪,更重要的是为两个国家的团结提供一种机会。

9.Earper this year, Huawei hired Matt Bross, who as chief technology officer of British Telecom supported the purchase of Huawei equipment.本年的早些时候,华为雇佣了马特·布鲁斯(MattBross),他在担任英国电信首席技术官期间支持购买华为设备。

10.Bross has a second title, vice-chair of U. S. business, which also makes him salesman-, recruiter-, and lobbyist-in-chief.布罗斯还有一个头衔,美国市场副总,这就使得他需要同时兼任销售人员、招聘人员以及游说人员。