



美式发音: [skaʊl] 英式发音: [skaʊl]


v.皱眉头;绷脸;瞪着眼看;怒视 (at; on)


复数:scowls  现在分词:scowpng  过去式:scowled  同义词反义词


n.dirty look,black look,glare,frown,glower



v.1.皱眉头;绷脸;瞪着眼看;怒视 (at; on)2.(天气)变坏;阴沉起来;像要下雨3.用怒容(对人)把...压下去;用怒容表示;皱眉拒绝 (away);对...绷脸使...

n.1.an angry expression on someones face

v.1.to twist your face into an expression that shows you are angry

1.向我怒目而视他向我怒目而视scowled),但我报以更愤怒的眼色(scowl)。我在九龙塘火车站转车时,一对内地夫妇挤进车厢,他们一 …


1.but he scowled at her with an expression of anger and at the same time of anguish , and bent over the child with the glass.可是他凶狠地同时苦恼地对着她现出阴郁的神色,拿着高脚杯向孩子弯下腰来。

2."Keep it down! " the chief nurse scowled from her station. "There's far too much laughter for a hospital. "“小声点!”护士长在她的站台怒视我们。“医院里不要大声喧哗。”

3.He waited for Aberforth to jeer or to argue, but he did not. He merely scowled.哈利等待着阿不福思的饥笑或者反驳,但他没有,他只是阴沉着脸。

4.and when he was pulled out of his prison, he scowled boldly on Noah, and looked quite undismayed.当他被拖出监狱时,他勇敢地怒视着诺亚,毫无畏惧。

5.His mother scowled at him when she saw his score report.看到他的成绩单时,她母亲一脸不悦地看着他。

6.It was easy enough to do. Carrie scowled. The effect was something so quaint and droll it caught even the manager.这太容易做到了。嘉莉做出愁眉苦脸的样子。效果十分奇妙而可笑,连经理也被吸引住了。

7.Willow scowled. "Someone stop her crying. That guard was mute, not deaf. They're going to hear. "薇洛有点动怒。“谁让她别哭了。那些守卫既不是哑巴也不是笼子。他们会听见的。”

8.Ron scowled at both his parents, then picked up his spoon and attacked the last few mouthfuls of his apple tart.白了父母两眼,然后拿起勺子,吃完最后几口苹果馅饼。

9.he blackened and scowled pke a thunder cloud , and kept his fists resolutely clenched , and his gaze fixed on the ground.他的脸阴沉发怒像雷电交加的乌云,坚决地握紧拳头,眼盯着地面。

10.He blackened and scowled pke a thundercloud, and kept his fists resolutely clenched, and his gaze fixed on the ground.他的脸阴沉发怒象块带着雷电的云,坚决地握紧拳头,眼盯着地面。