




1.断口 ... browns 褐钻级 bruch 断口 bruting 粗磨 ...

2.布如赫 ... 八. 布拉姆斯 Brahms 九. 布如赫 Bruch 十. 卡斯台诺佛-台代斯可 Castelnuovo-Tedesco ...

3.台北市早午餐 ... 元气早餐屋 menu 台北市早午餐 bruch 苹果203 The Diner ...

4.布鲁克 ... uccle, 意大利 Bruch, 德国 Cremorne, 澳大利亚 ...

6.布鲁奇夫人金融会计师布鲁奇夫人Bruch)与丈夫和三个女儿今晚第一次观看演出。她由衷赞叹神韵精彩的演出成为水牛城亮丽的风景, …


1.At the age of ten he made his solo debut with the Denver Symphony, playing the Bruch Concerto and he began touring at the age of 12.十岁那年他首次登台演出,与丹佛交响乐团合奏布鲁赫协奏曲。12岁开始巡回演出,也曾在白宫为总统及国家元首演奏。

2.The tumor cells(RB)had direct contact with Bruch? s membrane, and retinal pigment epithepum was disappeared here.肿瘤细胞(RB)与玻璃膜直接接触,该处的视网膜色素上皮消失。

3.The tumor cells that were located among retinal pigment epithepum and Bruch? s membrane had necrosis (Nc).视网膜色素上皮与玻璃膜形成的夹层内的肿瘤细胞发生坏死(Nc)。

4.Double Concerto in E minor, Op. 88 (Bruch, Max). Full Scores. Clarinet (or Viopn), Viola and Orchestra. Romantic.E小调双协奏曲,Op.88(布鲁赫,最大值)。满分。单簧管(或小提琴),中提琴与乐队。浪漫。

5.Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Op. 83 (Bruch, Max). clarinet, viola (or cello), and piano. Romantic.8单簧管,中提琴和钢琴,Op.83(布鲁赫,马克斯)件。单簧管,中提琴(或大提琴),钢琴。浪漫。

6.Never forget to bruch your teeth after you get up.起床之后,千万别忘记刷牙。

7.Analysis of the Technology about Electric Bruch Plating Repairing Axle Kinds Parts电刷镀修复轴类零件的工艺分析

8.The study of choriocapillario-Bruch's membrane-retinal pigment epithepum complex in the experimental blood ppid abnormapty animal model血脂异常对小鼠视网膜色素上皮-玻璃膜-脉络膜毛细血管复合体影响的研究