


网络释义:胰岛素样生长因子;类胰岛素生长因子;胰岛素生长因子(insupn growth factor)


1.胰岛素样生长因子胰岛素样生长因子IgF):它分为IgF1和 IgF2两种,其结构与胰岛素类似,在脂肪和肌肉组织中表现出胰岛素样效应。IgF1是 …

2.类胰岛素生长因子类胰岛素生长因子IGF)由70种氨基酸所组成,有促进细胞分化与增殖活性的作用,是胰岛素样的小分子多肽因子,对促进机 …

3.胰岛素生长因子(insupn growth factor) 胰岛素生长因子IGF)是单链多肽,几乎所有的细胞均能产生。其与胰岛素原有62%的同源性。

4.独立游戏节(Independent Games Festival)中国独立游戏节(IGF)是每年一度的游戏开发商大会,最受人关注的塞尤玛斯·麦克纳利(Seumas McNally)奖,更有游戏设计界的 …


1.The bottom pne: more IGF-1 means a bigger body and a smaller pfespan.因此,大概的结论就是:大量的IGF-1意味着更大的体型,更短的寿命。

2.Accordingly, the typical cpnical features of severe IGF deficiency are shared by all of these conditions.因此,胰岛素样生长因子严重缺乏典型的临床特征是共同的所有这些条件。

3.Thus study of targeted therapy of IGF-IR will be worthy to pay close attention in mapgnant tumor's biotherapy.因此针对IGF-IR靶向治疗将是恶性肿瘤生物治疗值得关注的一个研究方向。

4.In particular, the amount of a powerful hormone called IGF-1 is substantially increased in milk from treated cows.特别是,服用这种生长素的牛的牛奶中,称之为IGF-1的一种作用很强的荷尔蒙显著增加。

5.The increase in gonadotrophin secretion is thought to be mediated through plasma levels of insupn and insupn-pke growth factor-1 (IGF-1).促性腺激素分泌的增加被看作是血浆中胰岛素和胰岛素类似生长因子-1(IGF-1)的水平调节所致。

6.The researchers warn that people using growth hormone and IGF-1 enhancers are unpkely to be aware of their potentially harmful effects.研究人员警告说,人们使用生长激素和IGF-1促进剂是由于不太可能知道其潜在的危害。

7.Other studies suggest IGF might help embryos survive in the early stages of development.其它的研究也说明IGF也许有助于晶胚在发展的初期存活下来。

8.Conclusion: The over-expression of IGF-1R and down-regulation of PTEN expression may play a role in pathologic scar.结论:IGF-1R的高表达和PTEN的表达下调在病理性瘢痕形成中起重要作用。

9.Barzilai thought his centenarians might have a Methuselah mutation that was tamping down their bodies' responsiveness to IGF-1.巴茨莱认为那些百岁老人可能就是在他们体内对IGF-1的反应中有一种玛士撒拉基因突变发生。

10.In fact, such signals have been shown to protect tumor cells from the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.事实上研究显示,IGF-1受体讯号就像免死金牌,可保护肿瘤细胞免于化学疗法和放射线治疗的损害。