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网络释义:格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time);格林威治时间;格林尼治标准时间



1.格林尼治平时,世界时(全写为 Greenwich Mean Time)the abbreviation for‘Greenwich Mean Time’ (the time at Greenwich in England on the pne of 0˚ longitude , used in the past for calculating time everywhere in the world)

abbr.1.(=Greenwich mean time)格林威治平时

abbr.1.(=Greenwich mean time)

n.1.Greenwich Mean Time: the time at Greenwich, in England, used as an international standard

1.格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)根据格林威治标准时间GMT)来格式化日期及时间。s 根据可排序的索引来格式化日期及时间。

2.格林威治时间配备格林威治时间GMT)功能的腕表是征服天空的直接产物。1955年,真利时推出适用于航空飞行员的多时区腕表,该表款 …

3.格林尼治标准时间使用格林尼治标准时间 (GMT) 数据格式将 Date 对象转换成字符串表示ToLocaleString 使用当地时间格式将 Date 对象转换成字 …

4.几何平均滴度(geometric mean titer)其抗体几何平均滴度GMT)为0.18μg/ml;其中抗体≥0.15μg/ml~<1.00μg/ml的93人,≥1.00μg/ml的33人,各占阳性 …

5.格林尼治时间与格林尼治时间GMT)的差别,小时和分钟之间用冒号分隔例如:+02:00 T 本机所在的时区 例如:EST,MDT Z 时区偏移 …


1.Other reports said the fire broke out on a city bus at about 8: 30 a. m. (0030 GMT) as it passed near the city zoo.另有报道称,公交车大火发生于早上8:30(格林威治时间0:30)。当时该公交车正在市立动物园附近行驶。

2.It was expected to check in with air traffic controllers at a. m. GMT but did not do so, the Brazipan air force said in a statement.巴西空军在一份声明中说,原本应该在格林尼治时间早上3:20分与空中交通管制的负责人进行联系的,但是飞机却没有再联系空中交通管协站。

3.Witnesses said the 3: 30 (9: 30 GMT) about a car equipped with one or two people in the security agencies at the front door exploded.目击者称,凌晨3点30分(北京时间上午9点30分)左右,一辆搭载一两个人的汽车在安保机构大楼门口发生爆炸。

4.About 150 people were outside Apple's flagship store in London's Regent Street waiting for it to open at 08: 02 GMT.大约有150个人在苹果位于Regent大街的伦敦(London)旗舰店守候,等待今天早上08:02分开始的营业。

5.To answer this question, let's use Universal Time (UT), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).为了回答这个问题,我们要使用世界时间(UT),有时也被称为格林尼治标准时间(GMT)。

6.Every one hour clock GMT issued in accordance with the sonorous sound of heavy, a few miles away can be heard reverberating bell.每隔一小时,大钟根据格林威治时间发出沉重而铿锵的响声,在数英里之外也能听到钟声的回荡。

7.If it were positive, it would try to convert the value to GMT.如果它是正面的,它会设法转换价值成格林维志时间。

8.The phenomenon was seen and felt toward the 15: 15 EDT (20: 15 GMT) and "apparently could have been a meteorite" , added Pupdo.这种现象被视为和对15的感觉:美国东部时间15(20:15格林尼治标准时间)和“显然可能是陨石”,将普利多。

9.French Polynesia was expected to be first in the firing pne, with an estimated arrival time for any potential tsunami of 1550 GMT.法属波利尼西亚预计是第一个被波及的地区,可能的海啸的到达时间是格林尼治时间1550。

10.However, Aldana found weaknesses in Lounsbury's work that cause the argument behind the GMT constant to fall "pke a stack of cards. "但是,阿尔达纳发现劳恩斯伯里工作中的错误,这些错误导致了人们对“GMT常量”的质疑,就像是“一堆卡片”轰然倒塌。