




1.毛笔 brush, 画笔 brush pen 毛笔 rice paper 米纸 (一种很脆很薄的纸) ...

2.毛笔笔 金钱树 MoneyTree 毛笔笔 Brush Pen 茶酒杯 Tea & Wine Cup ...

3.笔刷 Pencils 立可白 Brush pen 笔刷 Black charcoal stick 色笔 ...


1.The implements were the brush pen, made of animal hair, and black inks made from pine soot and animal glue.该实现是毛笔,动物毛的,从松树烟尘和动物胶了黑色墨水。

2.Object maintains color and grayscale settings for five adjustment categories: default, bitmap, brush, pen, and text.对象维护五种调整类别的颜色和灰度设置:默认、位图、画笔、钢笔和文本。

3.Is alas . . . . . . still have in container for pens a pay red ink of Chinese brush-pen.唉……笔筒里还有一支红墨水的毛笔。

4.The brush pen is made of bamboo and wool.毛笔是由竹子和羊毛做成的。

5.The brush pen is used for writing.毛笔是用来写字的。

6.It's extremely difficult to draw a long pne on curved surface with brush pen. Look at this smooth pne, not easy!用毛笔在极小的弧面上拉长线条难度是极高的,看这线条依然流畅,不容易!

7.Wang Xizhi is not only the leader of Chinese Character Writing, but also a model in the scientific wring of brush pen.王羲之不仅是汉字书写的领军人物,更是用笔科学的典范。

8.Text speech the text is too simple, all answering with the Chinese brush-pen, this is the cheapness they.文言文太简单,全用毛笔答题,这是便宜他们。