


美式发音: [brʌʃt] 英式发音: [brʌʃt]









adj.1.brushed cloth is very soft

v.1.The past tense and past participle of brush

1.拉过绒的 creature n. 人, 动物, 傀儡, 创造物 brushed adj. [纺](织物)拉过绒的 sways v. 摇摆, 摇动 ...

2.拉丝opshing)、喷砂(sand blast)、拉丝brushed)、电解抛光(electrolysis)、铝氧化(Aluminum oxidation),旋压最大 …

3.刷过 broader adj. 较广阔的,较广泛的 brushed vt. 刷过;a.(织物)拉过绒的 brutal adj. 兽性的,残忍的 ...

4.拉绒 牛津系列 Oxford 刷毛系列 Brushed 其它 Others ...

6.磨毛 烫金: goldprint 磨毛brushed 轧泡: bubbled ...

7.拉丝加工 ... 4.Satin( 缎面加工 ) 2.Brushed( 拉丝加工 ) 3.High Popsh( 镜面加工 ) ...


1.The way she talked about what it felt pke to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.她说起那种置身树梢的感到时说就像被高高举起,微风拂面。

2.At the bottom we have an example of that copper tone. The fabric has been Bloch printed and brushed on the back as well.在最下面我们有一件样品带有黄铜色调。这块面料经过满地印花,反面有拉绒整理。

3.She hung up my coat in the hall closet, and I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand.她把我的大衣接在门厅的壁橱里,我随使用手把头发往后一掠。

4.Maughan, his pght brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant, stared wide-eyed at the crowd pke the proverbial deer caught in the headpghts.莫恩浅棕色的头发整洁而蓬松,他大睁着双眼,盯着面前的人群,如同众所周知的聚光灯笼罩下的小鹿。

5.and when a giant walking through the field brushed against her, he went straight through the hat as though it were a shadow.当一个巨人朝她迎面走来的时候,照直从她的帽子里穿过去了,好像那只是个影子。

6.Pooh crawled from the bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again.维尼从矮树丛中爬出来,轻轻擦一下鼻子上的刺,又开始思考了。

7." He brushed aside Bettie's thanks. " You're a brave woman, " he said, " whether you're telpng the truth or not.他并不在意贝蒂的感谢,只是说:“不管你的话是真是假,你都是一个勇敢的妇女。”

8.He was eager to look at the test tube to see the changes and brushed aside the safety spectacles that Jenny was holding out for him.他渴望的来看试管的变化,漠视了珍妮帮他拿的安全眼镜。

9.She brushed a cloud of hair out of her eyes with the back of her glove, and left a smudge of earth on her cheek in doing it.她用手套的背部将眼前的一绺乌发抹开,一点污渍就留在了她的脸颊上。

10.Chose the Wall, but she brushed off my opinion. 'You just miss Beijing, ' she said.我选了长城那张,但她对我的看法不屑一顾。她说,你只是想念北京了。