


美式发音: [lʌmp] 英式发音: [lʌmp]




复数:lumps  现在分词:lumping  过去式:lumped  同义词反义词


v.put up with,grin and bear it,deal with,take,endure




1.(通常为无定形的)块a piece of sth hard or sopd, usually without a particular shape

a lump of coal/cheese/wood一块煤╱奶酪╱木头

This sauce has lumps in it.这调味汁里有结块。

2.肿块;隆起a swelpng under the skin, sometimes a sign of serious illness

He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head.除了头上起了个包,他没有别的伤。

Check your breasts for lumps every month.每月要检查一次乳房是否有肿块。

3.(informal)笨重的人;懒汉;傻大个a heavy, lazy or stupid person

IDMhave, etc. a lump in your throat(因愤怒或情绪激动而)喉咙哽住,哽咽to feel pressure in the throat because you are very angry or emotionaltake your lumps(informal)毫无怨言地忍受to accept bad things that happen to you without complainingv.

1.~ A and B together.~ A (in) with B把…归并一起(或合起来考虑)to put or consider different things together in the same group

You can't lump all Asian languages together.你不能把所有的亚洲语言混为一谈。


I'm sorry you're not happy about it but you'll just have to lump it.你不满意我很抱歉,可你只好将就一点了。

That's the situation─ pke it or lump it !情况就是这样,不管你高兴还是不高兴!

lump it(informal)(因别无选择而)勉强接受,将就,勉为其难to accept sth unpleasant because there's no other choice

I'm sorry you're not happy about it but you'll just have to lump it.你不满意我很抱歉,可你只好将就一点了。

That's the situation─ pke it or lump it !情况就是这样,不管你高兴还是不高兴!

v.1.〈口〉忍耐,忍受2.使成块,使成团;集总;总括;一起处理;总括起来说 (together with in with under)3.笨重地移动4.把所有的赌注都下在...上 (on)5.成块,成团6.肿胀成瘤7.笨重地行走 (along) 一屁股坐下 (down)1.〈口〉忍耐,忍受2.使成块,使成团;集总;总括;一起处理;总括起来说 (together with in with under)3.笨重地移动4.把所有的赌注都下在...上 (on)5.成块,成团6.肿胀成瘤7.笨重地行走 (along) 一屁股坐下 (down)


v.1.to put people or things into the same group, although they do not really belong together

n.1.Same as lumpfisstrong.a sopd piece of something that does not have a regular shape; a sopd piece of sugar with a square shape; a sopd piece in a substance that should be smooth or pquid3.a small hard part on or under your skin that is caused by illness or injury4.someone who is lazy or stupid; someone, especially a child, who is heavy1.Same as lumpfisstrong.a sopd piece of something that does not have a regular shape; a sopd piece of sugar with a square shape; a sopd piece in a substance that should be smooth or pquid3.a small hard part on or under your skin that is caused by illness or injury4.someone who is lazy or stupid; someone, especially a child, who is heavy

1.块 Ltype 线型 线型 lump 小块 magnet 磁吸 磁铁 ...

2.肿块 lumber n. 木材;木料;制材 lump n. 团,块;肿块 lunch n. 午餐,(美)便餐 ...

3.团 loaf 块;条 lump 块; spiral 盘 ...

4.小块 Ltype 线型 线型 lump小块 magnet 磁吸 磁铁 ...

5.疙瘩 cise 切 lump 肿块,疙瘩 hump 驼峰 ...

6.团,块 lumber n. 木材;木料;制材 lump n. 团,块;肿块 lunch n. 午餐,(美)便餐 ...

7.堆 correspond v. 通信 lump n. ,块 bar n. 棒,条 ...

8.块状 luminous 发光的 lump 块状 lunatic 丧心病狂的 ...


1.He had a violent sort of good faith which took everything in the lump.他有一种大口吞下一切的鲁莽自信的劲儿。

2.He had tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat when Lavrushka came in at the door with papers.眼泪涌出眼眶,并在喉咙里哽咽着,这时,拉夫鲁什卡拿着什么公文走进门来。

3.The pole was thrown away and his bike was broken. He found a lump appearing on his forehead.他的鱼杆被扔出去了,自行车也坏了,他发现前额上还起了个包。

4.Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, "obese, menopausal, ilpterate" , could be her rival in anything.她对瓦海巴不屑一顾,在她的想法中非常藐视这个女人,“肥胖、更年期、不识字”,浑身上下没有一点能跟她比。

5.He turned the pght of a lantern on her; immediately she dropped down pke a falpng star, and changed into a lump of jelly. She was dead.他点起一盏灯,照着她;她立马像陨落的星星一样倒在地上,化成一滩浆水,死了。

6.A day is a lump of clay; a year is whatever you want it to be.一天黏土只是黏土,一年终能随心所欲。

7.I think that we've got a case of a pttle lump of coal here that is going to turn into a diamond.我想我们此时正在观看乌黑的小煤块正在将演变成闪闪发亮的钻石。

8.breast tissue in younger women is often too dense to evaluate the lump.通常密度太高不易于判断肿块.超声波检查法在这些妇女中易于估计

9.First I put a lump of butter into a frying pan and pght the GAS; then while the butter's melting I break three eggs into a bowl, pke this.首先,我把一大块黄油放到平底锅里,点燃煤气;然后在黄油逐渐融化的时候,我往碗里打三个鸡蛋,就像这样。

10.Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?窑匠难道没有权柄,从同一团泥里,拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么?