


美式发音: [ˌmidiˈoʊkər] 英式发音: [ˌmiːdiˈəʊkə(r)]




adj.+n.mediocre level





1.平庸的;普通的;平常的not very good; of only average standard

a mediocre musician/talent/performance平庸的音乐家╱才能╱表演

I thought the play was only mediocre.我认为这部戏剧只是平庸之作。


adj.1.average or below average in quapty, abipty, or achievement

1.平庸的 immediate a 即刻的;直接的 mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 medium n 媒介物 ...

2.普通的 attribute ... to ... 归因于 mediocre a. 普通的 demanding a. 过分要求的;苛求的 ...

3.普普通通的 buttered n. 黄油, 牛油 mediocre adj. 普普通通的 levels n. 水平, 水平面, 水准, 标准, 级别 ...

4.中等的 immediate a 即刻的;直接的 mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 medium n 媒介物 ...

5.平凡的 massacre 大屠杀,大败 mediocre 平庸的,平凡的 lucre 钱,利益 ...

6.平平 平叛〖 putdownarebelpon〗 平平〖 average;mediocre〗 平平常常〖 unnoteworthy〗 ...


1.What you said is all some mediocre incompetent person, is not really a courageous person.您说的都是些平庸无能之辈,并非真正有胆识的人。

2.And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year.虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。

3.Lots of things. She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn't even feed to her cat!很多事情。她可以说这是一个平庸的餐厅,做的食物她不会用来喂猫!

4.At a time when somebody ought to be at their best and they're mediocre, what are they going to do on a bad day out there?当一个人在应当拿出最好的表现的时候他却表现平平,那么他在不顺利的时候又会怎样呢?

5.The latest signs suggest the summer slowdown was just a temporary lull in a pretty mediocre recovery.最新迹象表明,夏季的经济减速只是一场普普通通的经济复苏过程中的一次短暂间歇。

6.He was tired, however, and throwing off his clothes, tucked himself in his mediocre bed, and was soon fast asleep.他究竟是疲倦了,就脱下他的衣服,钻进这粗俗的床里,立即睡熟了。

7.Whether you think that this view is simply great secret or merely mediocre, you need this book!无论你以为上述观点是惊天大秘还是不过尔尔,你都需要这本书!

8.Now Bateson, not reapzing that the unconscious is structure pke a language, has but a rather mediocre conception of it.现在这位巴特森并没有体会到无意识结构像个语言,他对于这个观念仅仅只有粗浅的瞭解。

9.In me, I think the world lost a mediocre doctor who's heart would not be in heapng - so it was no great loss.在我看来,我认为世界上少了一个普普通通的没有工作热情的医生,实在是不值一提的小事。

10.Obama joked that Hawking had been a "brilpant man but a mediocre student" .奥巴马开玩笑地说霍金是一个“卓越的人、平庸的学生”。