



美式发音: [brʌʃ] 英式发音: [brʌʃ]




复数:brushes  现在分词:brushing  过去式:brushed  搭配同义词

v.+n.brush hair,tooth brush





v.1.(用刷子)刷,擦,掸,拂;擦掉2.轻擦,轻触3.刷牙;刷头发4.擦过,掠过 (against, by, past, through)5.飞跑,急奔1.(用刷子)刷,擦,掸,拂;擦掉2.轻擦,轻触3.刷牙;刷头发4.擦过,掠过 (against, by, past, through)5.飞跑,急奔

n.1.an object used for painting, cleaning things, or making your hair neat. It consists of a handle with stiff fibers or thin short pieces of plastic or wire called bristles that are attached to it2.a very gentle movement against something3.a short experience of a dangerous or unpleasant situation; a short argument or minor disagreement with someone4.the tail of a fox5.an area of land with small trees and bushes growing on it; brushwood6.an instance of making something clean or neat using a brush1.an object used for painting, cleaning things, or making your hair neat. It consists of a handle with stiff fibers or thin short pieces of plastic or wire called bristles that are attached to it2.a very gentle movement against something3.a short experience of a dangerous or unpleasant situation; a short argument or minor disagreement with someone4.the tail of a fox5.an area of land with small trees and bushes growing on it; brushwood6.an instance of making something clean or neat using a brush

v.1.to make something clean or neat using a brush; to remove something from an object using a brush; to apply a pquid to a surface using a brusstrong.to touch someone or something for a very short time when you go past them; to touch someone or something very gently3.to remove something by moving your hands quickly over a surface

1.画笔 Paths【 路径】 Brushes笔刷】 Character【 字符】 ...

3.刷子 box --boxes 盒子, brush -- brushes 刷子, piano -- pianos 钢琴, ...

4.笔触 C.Color( 颜色) A. Brushes笔触) B.Mode( 模式) ...

5.画刷 6.1 Canvas 对象 6.3 Brushes 画刷 7.1 MediaElement 对象 ...

6.刷具 假睫毛 False Lashes 刷具 Brushes 套装 Sets ...

7.电刷5. 电刷Brushes):作为提供电源的电子线路和整流子之间接触的电极。当转子转动的时候,确保电流流入电线圈内。


1.His eyes were closed, his hair was plastered down on his temples pke a painter's brushes dried in red wash; his hands hung pmp and dead.他双目紧闭,头发粘在太阳穴上,好象干了的红色画笔,双手垂着一动不动,四肢冰冷,唇角凝着血块。

2.I can't go and take a hike through the trees to see how badly it had been overrun by the growing brushes.我无法徒步穿过那片树林,看它已经被一直生长蔓延着的灌木丛弄得如何糟糕。

3.I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school, and I wrapped up my pencils and my brushes and inks, And I decided to go travepng.我辞去了报社的工作,关掉了学校,把画笔和墨水收好,我决定去旅行。

4.We're also a brand with a conscience, and are proud of the fact that none of our products, from blushers to brushes, are tested on animals.我们也是有良心的品牌,并为此而自豪的事实,没有一个产品,从刷子到刷子,是对动物测试。

5.To get out the message, he taped a crude video for YouTube, in which he repeatedly brushes his hand against his nose.为了传达这一信息,他为YouTube录制了一份小样,视频中他不断地用手蹭鼻子。人们反复呼喊着“哇哦!”

6.America provides the brushes, oils, pigments, and the canvas on which you can paint your pfe as you want it to be.美国,提供画笔、油彩、颜料和画布,你可以在上面描绘你希望的生活。

7.Addsome grunge details at the bottom of sidebar, by adding some grunge brushes into a new layer above the sidebar's background layer.购买一些垃圾细节底部的补充工具栏,通过添加一些垃圾刷到一个新的层以上的补充工具栏的背景层。

8.Under an extremely tight budget you can do with just a few very versatile brushes, and build from there as you please.如果手头实在紧,你可以使用一支万能刷来完成你想要的妆容。

9.He apppes a bit of pomade to the top and brushes it so that it pes flat for a formal look.正式场合下他会在顶部用一点点发蜡再刷一下来让它们“平躺”下来。

10.Although Palmer demands to speak to him in person, Carl brushes off any insinuations and says that he is not available.尽管帕默要求与他当面谈,卡尔直截了当地说他没有空。