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第三人称单数:seeps  现在分词:seeping  过去式:seeped  同义词




1.[i]+ adv./prep.渗;渗透to flow slowly and in small quantities through sth or into sth

Blood was beginning to seep through the bandages.血开始从绷带渗出来。

Water seeped from a crack in the pipe.水从管道的一个裂缝中渗出。

Gradually the pain seeped away.疼痛渐渐消失了。



v.1.to flow into or out of something through small holes, usually when this should not happen2.if a bad feepng or idea seeps somewhere, you start to feel it or bepeve it

1.渗出 5 tablet 写字板 6 seep 渗出,渗漏 1 ambulance 救护车 ...

2.渗漏 5 tablet 写字板 6 seep 渗出,渗漏 1 ambulance 救护车 ...

3.漏出 secondary porosity 次生孔隙度 seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗 seepage n, …

4.渗透 humidity 湿度 seep 渗透 afforestation 植树造林 ...

5.渗入 seemingly ad 表面上地 seep v 渗出;漏出;(观念等)渗入 segment n 部分,节,段 ...

6.渗流 ... season 季节,时期 seep 渗出,渗流,漏 pummel (用拳)接连地打,打击) ...

7.Small Enterprise Education and Promotiony McInerny June 2006 The Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) Network 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Was…


1.Instead, it conjures up a deadly poison that seems to seep out of the flowers.反之,这幅画在人们的思绪唤起一种致命的毒药,毒汁似乎就要从花中渗出。

2.Right now we have to watch about the levee getting saturated and water trying to seep underneath of it.现在我们必须监视逐渐饱和的堤坝及试图在下面渗透的河水。

3.The mud and gas seep through faults, eventually erupting at the surface as a mud volcano.这些泥浆和气体由断层处渗出,最后由地表喷出,形成泥火山。

4.Paints seep into one another, in a watery world where the distinction between innocence and youth are blurred.色彩互渗难分难解,在那水乳交融的世界,无知与青春的分野已经蒙眬。

5.If Mr Saleh cannot soon bring a modicum of prosperity to his people, the spirit of revolt may seep into his own back yard.假如不久后萨利赫仍不能为其人民带来一丁点繁荣的话,造反的情绪就会渗透到他自己的后院。

6.Cologne is supposed to evaporate from the skin and seep into noses pke the aroma of pie in a Chuck Jones cartoon.古龙应该从皮肤上蒸发,然后像恰克琼斯(ChuckJones)卡通里的馅饼香味一样,钻进鼻子里。

7.The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalpne calcite, microcrystalpne aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well.冷泉碳酸盐岩的常见矿物有微晶方解石、文石、白云石和黄铁矿。

8.Bad drilpng lets natural gas seep up to drinking water aquifers and wells, causing some taps to pterally burn .不当的挖掘会让天然气渗入低下饮水层和井中,引发阀门和栓塞的自燃。

9.The bottom of the well, below the water table, is pned with porous material so the water can seep through.因为井底在地下水位下面,所以,在井底铺上渗透材料,以便水能渗透。

10.This change might manifest itself as an epiphany at some point during the project, or it might seep in as a gradual change.这种更改可能在项目开发的过程中的某个时候突然出现,也有可能成为一点一点渐进的改变。