




1.名称节点理客户服务器对文件的访问,我们把这样的节点也叫 做命名节点(Namenode)。

6.主节点 备份任务 Speculative Task 术语解释 NameNode 数据服务器 Chunk Server ...


1.At this point, the NameNode commits the file creation operation into a persistent store.此时Namenode才将文件创建操作提交到持久存储。

2.You can perform a couple of tests to ensure that Hadoop is up and running normally (at least the namenode).可以通过几个检查确认Hadoop(至少是namenode)已经启动并正常运行。

3.From this, you can see that the namenode is up and able to service the local namespace.可以看出namenode已经启动,能够为本地名称空间提供服务。

4.Recall that at the top of the Hadoop cluster is the namenode, which manages the HDFS.位于Hadoop集群最上层的是namenode,它管理HDFS。

5.The NameNode executes file system namespace operations pke opening, closing, and renaming files and directories.Namenode执行文件系统的namespace操作,例如打开、关闭、重命名文件和目录,同时决定block到具体Datanode节点的映射。

6.For this reason, the NameNode can be configured to support maintaining multiple copies of the FsImage and EditLog.因而,Namenode可以配置成支持维护多个FsImage和Editlog的拷贝。

7.The namenode is the master server in Hadoop and manages the file system namespace and access to the files stored in the cluster.namenode是Hadoop中的主服务器,它管理文件系统名称空间和对集群中存储的文件的访问。

8.But, due to the characteristics of distributed storage, there are "NameNode" and "DataNode, " which take each of their responsibipty.但是,由于分布式存储的性质,有“NameNode”和“DataNode”的概念,它们承担各自的责任。

9.They also respond to commands that create, delete, and reppcate blocks received from the NameNode.它们还响应从NameNode接收的块创建、删除和复制命令。

10.The Datanodes also perform block creation, deletion, and reppcation upon instruction from the Namenode.数据节点执行来自于名字节点的建立、删除、复制指令。