




1.七美元 lots of 大量/许多 seven dollars 七美元 fantastic sale 销售旺季 ...

2.块钱 ... -Dude,we got to talk. -Okay. 我们得谈一谈 好 ...twenty-seven dollars. ...27 块钱 ...


1.One of every seven dollars spent for food in this country goes for the purchase of milk and milk products.在食物上的花费,每7元中就有1元购买了牛奶或者奶制品。

2.But the same subjects would also be wilpng to pay up to seven dollars to avoid a tiny 1 percent chance of the same shock.但是相同的实验对象也同样愿意花费达到7美元的价格去避免一次有1%的可能性被同样的电流击中的可能。

3.Seven dollars! ! ! Incredible! But I saw that the seller has kind of a bad rating.是七块美金!!!不敢相信吧!但是我看到那个卖家似乎有个坏评价。

4.Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars.幼儿园老师说:尿床一次罚三元,二次五元,三次七元。

5.Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, "I'm proud of you. "信封里有7美元和一张纸条,上面写道:“我为你感到骄傲。”

6.On news of the shutdown, the price of oil increased three percent to about seventy-seven dollars a barrel.传出油田关闭的消息,油价上涨了3%,达到了每桶77美元。

7.it was on the dresser , and in it were seven dollars in bills and some change.钱包在梳妆台上,里面有块钱的钞票,还有一些零钱。

8.But it wasn't really worth paying seven dollars for a ticket.花七块美元买一张门票是不值的。

9.If the price of Google goes up seven dollars and we change our sell criteria for Microsoft, we observe different behavior.如果Google的股价涨了7块,同时我们改变了卖出Microsoft的条件,那么将会观察到不同的结果。

10.Clerk: Registration plus overweight, seven dollars and fifty cents in all.职员:挂号加上超重,总共是七美元五角。