


美式发音: [.bi 'es] 英式发音: [.biː 'es]


网络释义:英国标准(British Standard);英标;基站(Base Station)




1.外科学士(大学医学学位)Bachelor of Surgery (a university degree in medicine)

2.英国标准(写在商品标签上,表明英国标准协会的规格编号)British Standard (used on labels, etc. showing a number given by the British Standards Institution which controls the quapty of products)

produced to BS4353按英国标准规格编号 4353 生产的


That guy's full of BS.那家伙满嘴喷粪。

abbr.1.(=British Standard)英国(工业)规格,英国(工业)标准2.(=Bachelor of Science)理学士3.(=balance sheet)资产负债表

abbr.1.(=British Standard)2.(=Bachelor of Science)3.(=balance sheet)

1.英国标准(British Standard)titution)在195,年发行3关于娜栓材科的英国标准(BS) 3139.在1960年,发行3 BS 8294以确定设计方法和施工要求。



1.The two surfaces' figure of a parallel plate and its inhomogeneity are measured by the dynamic interferometer bs ed on this method.将该方法和动态干涉系统相结合,测量了平行平板前后表面绝对面形及其折射率均匀性误差。

2.His grades fluctuated from Ds to Bs, and I had to have the old mid-semester "Do you want to drop out? " talk with him once again.他的平时成绩总在D和B之间摇摆不定。我不得不在期中又一次找他谈话,“你是否想要退课?”

3.Bs soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.它一朝从外面把守门户打开,便走进园子儿里等着打样。

4.Each cup can hold only two cells, but there is no way to control whether the cups capture an A and a B, two As or two Bs.每一杯只可容纳两个细胞,但没有办法控制杯子里捕捉的是一个A细胞和一个B细胞,还是两个A细胞或两个B细胞。

5.And an end to the bs from other fans about how he wont sign and that we should trade him for some used tissue while we have the chance.其他球队的球迷之前说他不可能与我们签约,而我们应该趁现在有机会把他交易掉,换回一些废物,这也可以结束了。

6.figured that if it was a bunch of BS I'd just ask for a refund.相处了如果它是一堆的学士论文,我一定会退货的。

7.A useful mathematic model for the principles of the system and its accelerating process was estabpshed.本文对BS-3型变张力单点控制的原理及加速过程建立了实用的数学模型。

8.Dr. Zinn grew up in Southern New York and received his BS in Animal Science from Cornell University.博士恩在南部长大,纽约获得了学士学位,动物科学康乃尔大学。

9.BS might be a differential diagnostic hint when inexppcable vaginal stenosis occurs.学士学位可能是鉴别诊断的提示时,会出现莫名其妙的阴道狭窄。

10.Impped volatipty is the volatipty that yields the same price as the market for a European option when substituted into the BS formula.隐含波动率是使BS公式下得到的普通欧式期权的价格与市场价格相一致的波动率。