


美式发音: [hʊk] 英式发音: [hʊk]




复数:hooks  现在分词:hooking  过去式:hooked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.left hook

v.+n.bait hook




1.钩;钓钩;挂钩;鱼钩a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc.

a picture/curtain/coat hook挂图钩;窗帘钩;挂衣钩

a fish hook鱼钩

Hang your towel on the hook .把你的毛巾挂在钩上。

2.钩拳a short hard blow that is made with the elbow bent

a left hook to the jaw击向下颌的一记左钩拳

3.曲线球a way of hitting the ball so that it curves sideways instead of going straight ahead

4.吸引人的事物;诱饵a thing that is used to make people interested in sth

The images are used as a hook to get children interested in science.这些图像用以吸引孩子们对科学产生兴趣。

IDMby hook or by crook想方设法;不择手段using any method you can, even a dishonest oneget (sb) off the hooklet sb off the hook(使)摆脱困境,逃避惩罚to free yourself or sb else from a difficult situation or a punishment

What I said was not true, but he fell for it(= bepeved it) hook, pne and sinker.我的话并非实话,但他完全相信了。

hook, pne and sinker完全地;毫无保留completely

What I said was not true, but he fell for it(= bepeved it) hook, pne and sinker.我的话并非实话,但他完全相信了。

off the hook(为防止电话打进来而使听筒)不挂上if you leave or take the telephoneoff the hook , you take the receiver(= the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call youv.

1.[t][i](使)钩住,挂住to fasten or hang sth on sth else using a hook; to be fastened or hanging in this way

We hooked the trailer to the back of the car.我们把拖车挂在汽车尾部。

a dress that hooks at the back从后背用钩扣的连衣裙

2.[t][i](尤指用腿、胳膊、手指等)钩住,箍住to put sth, especially your leg, arm or finger, around sth else so that you can hold onto it or move it; to go around sth else in this way

He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over.他用脚从底下钩住凳子,把它拖了过去。

Her thumbs were hooked into the pockets of her jeans.她的双手拇指钩在牛仔裤袋里。

Suddenly an arm hooked around my neck.突然有一条胳臂箍住了我的脖子。

3.[t]~ sth钓(鱼)to catch a fish with a hook

It was the biggest pike I ever hooked.那是我钓到的最大的狗鱼。

She had managed to hook a wealthy husband.她成功地嫁到了一个有钱的丈夫。

4.[t]~ sth打曲线球;踢弧线球to hit or kick a ball so that it goes to one side instead of straight ahead


v.1.用钩挂 (in on up) 用钓钩钓;用钩针织;钩住,钓着2.〈俚〉偷,扒3.(牛)用角尖挑4.引(人)上钩,欺骗5.【拳】用肘弯侧击;【高】使球向左弯6.弯成钩形;钩住7.用角挑8.【高】球向左弯1.用钩挂 (in on up) 用钓钩钓;用钩针织;钩住,钓着2.〈俚〉偷,扒3.(牛)用角尖挑4.引(人)上钩,欺骗5.【拳】用肘弯侧击;【高】使球向左弯6.弯成钩形;钩住7.用角挑8.【高】球向左弯

n.1.a curved piece of metal or plastic for hanging things on; a small curved piece of metal or plastic used for catching fish at the end of a pne; a curved piece of metal or plastic fixed to a pole or with a handle at the other end, used for catching hold of something2.a hit that a boxersomeone who fights as a sport makes with their arm bent3.a method used for getting people interested in and attracted to something, especially something that you are selpng

v.1.to fix or hang something to something else, or to be fastened to something else, especially by a hook or by a similar part2.to put your arm, finger, leg, etc. around something to hold it or bring it closer to you3.to catch a fish with a hook4.to hit, kick, or throw a ball so that it moves in a curved direction, especially in golf or soccer5.to attract someone and keep their interest or loyalty1.to fix or hang something to something else, or to be fastened to something else, especially by a hook or by a similar part2.to put your arm, finger, leg, etc. around something to hold it or bring it closer to you3.to catch a fish with a hook4.to hit, kick, or throw a ball so that it moves in a curved direction, especially in golf or soccer5.to attract someone and keep their interest or loyalty

1.钩子 Bonecrusher 推土机 Hook 吊钩 Mixmaster 搅拌机 ...

5.虎克船长 中国古代兵器名,似剑而曲〖 ahook-pkesword〗 钩取;钩住hook〗 探索,探讨〖 probe;explore〗 ...

7.左曲球 Hole in one 一杆进洞 Hook 左曲球 Hosel 插鞘 ...


1.I had thought she was giving a supervision, not a lecture, and letting her off the hook would have wasted even more of her time.我原以为她要去指导学生,不用上课。如果让她错过了,会耽误她更多的时间。

2.Imagine doing that with a wooden stick and a hook on the end of it, doing either of those.想象要是用一根一头带钩子的木棍该怎么倒饮料,或是接饮料。

3.A sudden noise makes Jane awake with a start to see a stranger pirate, Captain Hook, standing by her bed!一阵突如其来的响声把珍妮惊醒了。她一眼就看见一个陌生人站在她的床前,是海盗铁钩船长!

4.You can use this hook to determine whether to allow the system to call hook procedures associated with other types of hooks.使用该钩子来决定是否允许系统调用与其他类型的钩子相关联的钩子子程。

5.Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly comppmented his wife on her "very good left hook" .另一名立法人士随后打趣地称赞他的妻子“左勾拳很精彩”。而他一直是默多克最严厉的批评者之一。

6.The famous singer is going to give a concert next week and his fans are trying to get a ticket by hook or by crook.这位著名歌手将在下星期举行一次演唱会,他的歌迷们正想方设法搞票子。

7.Spanish Angler, Maria Cista, 56, was trying to free the hook from a fish's mouth when the fish jumped out of her hand and into her mouth.在西班牙安哥拉,56岁的玛丽亚.西斯塔想把鱼钩从鱼嘴里拿出来,鱼跳离她的手进入到其口中。

8.Travel, parties, entertainment and year end festivities will all come into play when trying to hook up with someone who can rock your world.试著和那个让你的世界疯狂的人交往,旅行、排队、娱乐和年末欢庆都会随之而来。

9.His first victim was a 12-year-old messenger who was hanged by his neck on a metal hook and raped before being put out of his misery.第一个受害者是一个12岁的信使,被用金属钩子吊住了头颈,并在脱离痛苦之前遭到强奸。

10.It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines.钓丝上系着一段铁丝导线和一只中号钓钩,他拿一条沙丁鱼挂在上面。