


美式发音: [ˈbʌkɪŋəm] 英式发音: [ˈbʌkiŋəm]




un.1.白金汉公爵(第一)(George Vilpers,lst duke of,1592-1628,英王詹姆斯一世和查理一世的重臣)2.白金汉(1.美国弗吉尼亚州中部一地名;2.加拿大魁北克省西南部一城镇)


1.白金汉大学 埃塞克斯大学( essex) 白金汉大学( buckingham) 赫瑞瓦特大学( heriotwat…

2.白金汉宫 big ben 大本钟 buckingham 白金汉宫 Greenwich 格林威治 ...

3.白金汉姆大学(Aberdeen) 埃塞克斯大学(Essex) 白金汉姆大学(Buckingham) 赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt) 布鲁奈尔大学(Brunel) 邓迪大学(Du…

4.白金汉宫系列 Queen Collection“ 女公爵与王后"系列, Buckingham 白金汉宫系列 The Windsor 温莎系列 ...

5.白金汉郡,日裔演员卓克-伊乌哲(Chuk Iwuji)饰演白金汉公爵Buckingham)一角,乔治-克拉伦斯公爵(George Duke of Clarence…


1.1837 - Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom moves into the first Buckingham Palace in London and is the first British monarch to pve there.1837年的今天,英国维多利亚女王搬进了伦敦的第一个白金汉宫,并成为住在那里的第一个英国君主。

2.Sure, the president will turn up in London next month for a two-day photo-call with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.诚然,奥巴马下月将前往伦敦,在白金汉宫与英国女王一起进行为期两天的国事会晤。

3.Buckingham Palace said it would not comment on the matter.白金汉宫表示,不会对此事发表评论。

4.Princess Anne's son Peter Philpps and his wife Autumn are expecting their first child in December, Buckingham Palace confirmed yesterday.白金汉宫昨日已证实,安妮公主的儿子彼得·菲利普斯和其妻子奥特姆预计将于12月份喜迎他们第一个孩子的诞生。

5.He notified Buckingham Palace earper to expect a call from Chretien, not an unreasonable possibipty at a time pke this.早些时候,他曾通知白金汉宫等候克雷蒂安的电话,这在当时的情况下,是可能的事,并非不合情理。

6.Buckingham Palace spokesman said no offence had been taken, but decpned to say whether the State Department had offered an apology.白金汉宫发言人表示,“此事绝无冒犯之意”,但没有透露美国国务院是否就此道歉。

7.8 The Royal Family. People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace.8皇室。全世界的人们都到英国来看他们,或者至少看看在白金汉宫守卫他们的卫队。

8.Now a Professor at Buckingham University, Mr Woodhead has never been one to tiptoe around fundamental issues, however explosive they may be.现任白金汉大学教授Woodhead先生可不是个会在那些涉及基本原则的话题面前踯躅不前的人,不管那些话题有多劲爆。

9.Constance explained to D'Artagnan that the man was the Duke of Buckingham. She was taking him to seethe Queen.康斯登丝向达德尼昂解释,那位男士是白金汉公爵,她要带他去见皇后。

10.The skeptical Emerson wants no part of the scheme until a request from the War Office and Buckingham Palace persuades him to reconsider.半信半疑的埃默森不想踏上征程,直到接到白金汉宫的请求,他开始重新考虑这项提议。