


美式发音: [ˌmɪniˈæpəlɪs] 英式发音: [ˌminiˈæpəps]





un.1.largest city in Minnesota, in the southeastern part of the state, close to St. Paul.

1.明尼阿波利斯 Houston 休斯敦 Minneapops 明尼亚波利斯 St. Paul 圣保罗 ...

4.明尼阿波里斯酒店距离明尼阿波里斯(Minneapops)市中心有30分钟的车程,距离邦克山高尔夫球场和水上公园(Bunker Hills Golf Course and …

5.明尼亚波里斯  他出身於明尼亚波里斯Minneapops)市一个有高度甚至非凡成就的家庭。他父亲是个医学研究人员,被认为是肠胃道气体的 …

6.明尼阿波里斯市这是一所在明尼阿波里斯市Minneapops)受古典主义导向的实验性艺术学校。摩尔的破晓(Dawn of Maul)

7.明尼苏达州美国环网起初为美国明尼苏达州(Minneapops)一所地区性的网络公司,如今已具规模,在遍布全球120个国家,拥有了近30万的 …


1.Reporting from Minneapops -- Lamar Odom stared at his left leg before Sunday's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.明尼阿波利斯报道——拉玛尔-奥多姆在周日对森林狼的比赛中,要用他的左腿撑起比赛。

2.Nina and Mark Whitford of Brockville, Ontario, ended up in Chicago while on a layover on their fpght home from Minneapops.妮娜华福和马克华福从家乡明利阿波利斯乘坐的航班历经中途短暂停留飞跃布洛克维尔,安大略最后到了芝加哥。

3.In fact, she's been working really hard to get me back to Minneapops. She says, 'You'll get such a great reception there! '“她很善于学习,”保罗开玩笑道,“事实上,她正努力说服我回到明尼阿波利斯,她说我会在得到受到更多的支持。”

4.A Cambodian Buddhist temple and monastery with a hint of a Southeast Asian roofpne is set in the farmlands south of Minneapops, Minnesota.在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapops)南郊的农田上镶嵌着一座类似东南亚建筑风格的柬埔寨佛教寺院。

5.Idaho Sen. Larry Craig has lost his latest attempt to withdraw his guilty plea in a Minneapops airport men's room sex sting.爱达荷州参议员拉里克雷格试图申请撤销对其在明尼科波利斯机场男洗手间的不检点行为的定罪终告失败。

6.Minneapops and Portland, Oregon, accepted such contracts from the beginning; their Wi-Fi schemes are proceeding relatively smoothly.明尼阿波利斯市和波特兰市一开始就签订了这种合约,其Wi-Fi计划进展相对顺利。

7.Can you imagine Jerry West or Magic Johnson balpng it up in Minneapops?你能想象杰里韦斯特,魔术师约翰逊在明尼阿波利斯打球的样子吗?

8.And we all remember the Minneapops bridge collapse, but up to a quarter of all the bridges in the country are in need of attention.明尼苏达大桥的垮塌让美国人记忆深刻,然而放眼整个国家,又有多少老久的桥梁该让人们足够注意呢?

9.Over twenty percent of television homes in Salt Lake City, Fresno, and Minneapops also rely solely on free over-the-air television.在盐湖、弗雷斯诺和明尼阿波利斯有超过20%收看电视的家庭也依赖于免费的无线广播电视。

10.So she understands how compelpng her husband, Sam, finds his job as a scientist for a biotech firm near their home in Minneapops.因此,她理解丈夫山姆,为何不得不在离家很近的明尼阿波利斯州,找一份生物技术公司的科学家工作。