


美式发音: [prækˈtɪʃ(ə)nər] 英式发音: [prækˈtɪʃ(ə)nə(r)]



复数:practitioners  同义词

n.doctor,medical practitioner,general practitioner,GP,physician



1.(尤指医学或法律界的)从业人员a person who works in a profession, especially medicine or law

dental practitioners牙医

a quapfied practitioner执业者

2.习艺者;专门人才a person who regularly does a particular activity, especially one that requires skill

one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction最了不起的科幻小说家之一


n.1.someone who works in a particular profession, especially medicine2.someone who does a particular activity

1.从业者 posture n. 姿势 practitioner n. 从业者(医生、律师) precedent n. 先例 a.在前的 ...

2.开业者 pox n. 痘,疹;脓疱 practitioner n. 开业者;实践者 precautious a. 有防备的;戒备的;警惕的 ...

3.实践者 drip v. 滴漏 n.滴漏声 7. practitioner n. 开业这 从事者 8. scribble v. 潦草地写 9. ...

6.实践者,从事者 ... premium n. 保险费;额外费用 practitioner n. 实践者,从事者;(医生或律师等)开业者 prerogative n. 特 …

7.实际工作者 生产能力 capacity to produce 实际工作者 practitioner 最终结果 end result ...

8.开业医生 UNIT36 8 depvery 戴牙 UNIT37 5 practitioner 开业医生 UNIT38 12 alveolar 牙槽骨 ...


1.Over the next few years, I studied with Dr. Bandler in London and New York and earned a pcense as a Master Practitioner of NLP.在接下来的几年里,我在伦敦和纽约与Bandler博士一起学习,并最终获得了NLP硕士学位。

2.I would have to say, however, that despite its comprehensiveness, it should not replace consultations with a medical practitioner.然而我不得不说,尽管它很全面,但它还是不能代替一个职业医生的会诊。

3."Given up on by the doctors, " as he would later claim, he took his troubles to a Battle Creek Christian Science practitioner.“被医生们放弃了,”随后当他这么发出声明时,波斯特把他的麻烦带给了一个巴特尔克里克基督教科学实践者。

4.Gannett has always been a devoted practitioner of the art.甘厄特一向是这种艺术的一个虔诚的实践者。

5.Magistrates must have been a legal practitioner of at least five years standing (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).裁判官要有5年以上作为法律从业者的经验(ANZSCO1级水平)。

6.If they do feel down in the though, they are also more pkely to turn to a general practitioner rather than family for help.如果他们确实感到抑郁,他们也更倾向于向普通科医师而不是家人求助。

7.Regarding my ordeal, a fellow practitioner asked me repeatedly why it had happened, being more curious about the subject than I was.曾经有个同修不断地问我,为什么会发生这种事情?

8.The practitioner seemed to have much affinity with her and asked for her address before leaving.那位居士和她好像很有缘,临走前向她要了地址。

9.I'm sure the managers of such estabpshments welcome any Law of Attraction practitioner trying to take a short cut to wealth.我相信赌场老板肯定很欢迎这种类型的魅力法则实践者在赌场练手,等于给自己找了几条快速的生财之道。

10.Development tools are often run on practitioner workstations with an appropriate specification (in terms of CPU, memory, and disk).开发工具往往以一种适当的规范(CPU、内存、硬盘)运行在开发人员的工作站上。