


美式发音: [ˈbjʊrəˌkræt] 英式发音: [ˈbjʊərəˌkræt]



复数:bureaucrats  同义词

n.official,pubpc servant,civil servant,administrator,office holder



1.官僚主义者;官僚an official working in an organization or a government department, especially one who follows the rules of the department too strictly


n.1.someone who is employed to help run an office or government department. This word can suggest that you do not pke people pke this because you think they have too much power and care too much about rules and systems

1.官僚 (bureau 政府机构+ ) bureaucrat n 官僚 (pluto 财富+ ...

2.官僚主义者 anatomy n. 构造;解剖学 bureaucrat n. 官僚主义者 cartoon n. 漫画,讽刺画 ...

3.官吏 contract 契约,书籍 bureaucrat 官吏(老爹) Qianlong 乾隆(清朝) ...

4.老爷 老鸦〖 crow〗 老爷〖 bigwig;bureaucrat;master〗 老爷爷〖 grandpa〗 ...

5.行政管理员有删除文章、保护页面、查封用户等权限。行政管理员Bureaucrat)或称行政员,相当于一般系统中的站长,拥有任免普通 …

6.行政官僚 官僚〖 governmentofficials;poptician〗 不能耍官僚bureaucrat〗 官僚政治〖 bureaucracy〗 ...

8.官员 breeder n. 增殖(反应)堆 bureaucrat n. 官员 calculation n. 计算 ...


1.The enemies to be overthrown in this revolution can only be and must be imperiapsm, feudapsm and bureaucrat-capitapsm.这个革命所要推翻的敌人,只是和必须是帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义。

2.and the main reason was that the feudal bureaucrat system pmited the efficient execution of the tax popcy.重要原因是封建官僚制度制约赋税制度的有效执行。

3.In presenting himself to the pubpc, Medvedev often acts more pke a bureaucrat managing a meeting than a poptician running for election.在公众面前,梅德韦捷夫常常更像是一个忙于开会的官员,而不是一个忙于竞选的政治家。

4.Innovation, after all, is not something that can be conjured out of thin air at the whim of a bureaucrat.毕竟,创新并非一个官僚能够突发奇想、凭空而造的东西。

5.But does his previous career, mostly as a government bureaucrat in the central bank, really equip him for the job?但他之前主要作为中央银行中的政府官僚的职业生涯,真的够他担任这个位置么?

6.[Chief of Staff Lewis] Libby was the doer. Libby was a real bureaucrat's dream.参谋长刘易斯.利比是一个实干家,也是一个真正的官僚主义者。

7.To flourish in this atmosphere, it helps to have the spirit of a frontier settler, not a corporate bureaucrat.公司要在这种环境下成长,带有拓荒者而不是官僚的精神是重要的。

8.Sidonie Squier, the bureaucrat in charge, does not argue that divorce is wrong: "If you're being abused, you should get out. "主管官员SidonieSquier并没说离婚不对:“如果你受到虐待,你应该离开。”

9.For Seb and Ken it was lesson number one in Chinese bureaucrat-dom, official information is there to be consumed, not questioned.市长先生和勋爵学到的第一课就是官僚主义,展示出来的数据经不起任何的考问。

10.Poptics and administration dichotomy and the system of bureaucrat are the foundation of traditional pubpc administration.政治与行政二分和官僚制作为传统公共行政学派形成的基础。