




1.布加迪 道奇 Dodge 布加迪 Bugatti 牧马人 Wagoneer ...

2.布加蒂 西雅特 Seat 布加蒂 Bugatti 菲亚特 fiat ...

3.布嘉迪 BMW 宝马 Bugatti 布嘉迪 Chevrolet 雪佛莱 ...

4.布佳迪 bentley 宾利 bugatti 布加迪威龙 cadillac 凯迪拉克 ...


7.布加提第一排:布加提Bugatti)、加帕罗(CaparoT1)、卡特罕姆7(Caterham7)、菲斯卡(Fisker)、古裴特Gumpert 第二排…


1.I thought he was offering to help put up my tent but, instead, he led me out of the yard and clambered onto an ancient Bugatti motorbike.但是他领我走出院子,自己骑上了一辆老旧的布加迪摩托车。

2.The arrangement "works out to be cheaper than driving the Bugatti several hundred miles to reach the dream Tarmac. "这一安排“证明要比开着跑车奔驰数百英里过去更省”。

3.A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed.在一间会议室里,林布兰的牧神雕像放在窗台上,谈交易就在这个房间。

4.Through them perfectly visible unique mechanism Bugatti, built on the principle of a skyscraper, although stories in it are only five.这款布加迪表能看到表内完美清晰独特的机械设计,根据摩天大楼的原理设计(尽管只有五层楼高)。

5.The rumor mill is in full gear with speculation of a new Bugatti being introduced at the Frankfurt Motor Show.传闻轧机全速与投机的一个新的布加迪推出在法兰克福汽车展。

6.If the name Burmester sounds famipar, it's because the company worked on a sound system for the horribly expensive Bugatti Veyron 16. 4.如果伯梅斯特的名字听起来很熟悉,那是因为该公司有一个良好的工作系统可怕昂贵布加迪威龙16.

7.Bugatti Veyron is lack of good reputation because of constant postponing, and now it was finally sold in Europe.BugattiVeyron因为不断地推迟上市而没落得好名声,如今它终于在欧洲上市销售了。

8.According to Bugatti, that elephant was the inspiration for the partnership between Bugatti and KPM.据布加迪称,是大象启发了布加迪与德国KPM之间的合作灵感。

9.Bugatti will start producing the Grand Sport in very pmited numbers - only 150 will roll off the production pne in Molsheim, France.布加迪将开始生产大运动在非常有限的数字-只有150将推出了生产线Molsheim,法国。

10.Each of the four models is a unique one-off model inspired by the Bugatti Type 35, and the race car drivers that piloted them.四个模式是一个独特的一次性模式启发布加迪35型,并的赛车司机,驾驶他们。