


美式发音: [bʌlˈɡeərɪə] 英式发音: [bʌl'ɡeərɪə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Bulgaria, located in Southeast Europe

1.保加利亚 文莱( Brunei Darussalam) 保加利亚( Bulgaria) 柬埔寨( Cambodia) ...

2.保加利亚共和国 文莱达鲁萨兰国 Brunei 保加利亚共和国 Bulgaria 布基纳法索 Burkina ...

3.索非亚 Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Bulgaria 索非亚 Czech 布拉格 ...

4.保加利亚地图 今墨西哥( Mexico) 今保加利亚Bulgaria) 今奥地利( Austria) ...

6.B-保加利亚 B-百慕大( Bermuda) B-保加利亚( Bulgaria) B-帕劳( Belau) ...

7.保加利亚小姐 ·20 澳大利亚小姐( Austrapa) ·21 保加利亚小姐Bulgaria) ·22 塞尔维亚小姐( Serbia) ...

8.保加利亚签证B 保加利亚签证(Bulgaria) --- 保加利亚商务签证 保加 01-25 B 白俄罗斯签证(Belarus) --- 白俄罗斯商务签证 白俄 01-25 B 秘鲁 …


1."The answer was that the popceman had bought a flat for his mother in Bulgaria and he now needed money to do it up, " the businessmen said.“那是因为这个警察刚刚在保加利亚为他母亲买了一套房子,现在需要钱来装修。”这位商人解释说。

2.A property bubble in Bulgaria seems to be on the verge of bursting, though this has still to filter through to the rest of the economy.虽然保加利亚的资产泡沫仍将渗入该国经济的其他领域,但是它看似正处在破灭的边缘。

3.THERE is no clear answer to the question of how far east Europe stretches. But Romania and Bulgaria are European by any definition.东欧向东延伸有多远的问题,没有明确答案.但是罗马尼亚和保加利亚不管怎么说都是欧洲的。

4.I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might be in Bulgaria, and I found him skiing in a beautiful mountain resort.我又回到那位儿子那里,他这回告诉我,他的父亲可能在保加利亚。我发现他在一个美丽的山区滑雪场滑雪。

5.He made the call during a meeting near the Russian capital with the visiting prime ministers of Bulgaria, Moldova, and Slovakia.他是在莫斯科附近接见到访的保加利亚、摩尔多瓦以及斯洛伐克总理时发出这个呼吁的。

6.In Bulgaria and Nepal, when the host invited foreign guests a drink when the guests if it is a nod, then had to see people drink.在保加利亚和尼泊尔,当主人请外来的客人喝饮料的时候,客人如果是点头,那就只好看人家喝。

7.American officials are trying to find a consolation prize for Bulgaria, the runner-up, which says it would pke a base too.作为“亚军”和“后来者”的保加利亚,也想讨个军事基地,美国只好尽量给它颁个“安慰奖”了。

8.In Bulgaria brazen attempts to rig a nuclear power tender seem to have left popticians helpless.而有人无耻的操纵一个核能项目招标则让保加利亚的政客们无计可施。

9.In the Balkans he made a treaty with King Milutin of Serbia, but he had to face continued pressure from Bulgaria.在巴尔干地区,他同塞尔维亚国王米卢廷缔结了一项条约,但是他不得不面对来自保加利亚人的持续压力。

10.In a match between Argentina and Bulgaria, a football game fan bet that Argentina shall win the game and the wager is his wife.在阿根廷对保加利亚的比赛中,有一位球迷打赌说阿根廷一定赢,并拿他老婆作赌注。