


美式发音: 英式发音: [lə'dʒɪstɪkl]







adj.1.relating to an uninterpreted calculus or system of symbopc logic2.involving the planning and management of how things are moved, especially miptary forces or industrial goods3.involving the planning and management of any complex task

1.逻辑斯蒂 核销 verifying 后勤 logistic 后勤服务 logistic services ...

4.后勤的 pve weapon firing 实弹射击 logistic 后勤的 maimed 残废的,受重伤的 ...

5.后勤学的 坦白的,真诚的 frank 58 后勤学的,物流的 logistic 60 有责任的, responsible 61 ...

6.逻辑回归apppcation)、电子商务(e-Biz)、运筹(logistic)、通路(distribution)、制造(production)等全方位需求的架构(infrastructure) ,提供...


1.In modern logistic business, the optimizing in the transportation routes has always been a focus problem.在现代物流中,配送中心的运输路径知何优化一直是热点问题。

2.Knowledge on logistic, custom regulation, and international trade is at least, relevant work experience is preferred.必须具备物流,关务,国际贸易的相关知识,有相关工作经验优先。

3.With an outreach to many ship owners and ship brokers we are often able to provide a total logistic service coupled with our trading arm.我们与船主以及船运经纪人的广泛联系也让我们能提供全套的物流服务。

4.The research of this article is providing support for the next step of the JinMu Group logistic integration on thoughts and methods.论文的研究,对下一步金钼集团物流整合提供了思想和策略上的支持。

5.The results showed that the regeneration speed of severed tail of the male and female were all present logistic curve.结果显示,雌雄地蜥断尾再生速度都呈逻辑斯谛曲线状。

6.Variables with a significant univariate relationship were loaded into a series of binary logistic regression models.和单变量关系哒重要变量被装进一个二元逻辑回归模型系列。

7.Various freight forwarding & logistic industries, from big names to small shares can find its place in Chinese market.在中国,货运代理和物流行业的经营业态非常繁多,从国际物流巨头到微型企业都可以找到自己的生存置。

8.By our logistic regression analysis, the age of pregnancy might be associated with type 1 diabetes.在本项研究中还发现母孕年龄是影响儿童1型糖尿病发生的危险因素之一。

9.Logistic park is a product of both logistic theory and practice, and it is an form of logistics industry which developed to a certain stage.物流园区是物流理论和物流实践创新的产物,是物流产业发展到一定阶段的表现形式。

10.Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that hyperuricemia was an independent risk factor of CAD.多因素逐步回归显示,高尿酸血症是冠心病的独立危险因素。