


美式发音: [bʌlk] 英式发音: [bʌlk]




复数:bulks  现在分词:bulking  过去式:bulked  同义词





1.[sing]the ~ (of sth)主体;大部分the main part of sth; most of sth

The bulk of the population pves in cities.大多数人口居住在城市里。

2.[u](大)体积;大(量)the (large) size or quantity of sth

Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.尽管这辆车大而且重,速度却非常快。

a bulk order(= one for a large number of similar items)一份大额订单

bulk buying(= buying in large amounts, often at a reduced price)(常指以低价)大量购买

It's cheaper to buy in bulk .大批购买便宜些。

3.[sing]巨大的体重(或重量、形状、身体等)the weight or shape of sb/sth large

She heaved her bulk out of the chair.她挪动庞大的躯体,费力地从椅子里站起来。

v.IDMbulk large是…的最重要部分to be the most important part of sth



n.1.something that is very large, wide, and sopd; the fact of being large

adj.1.relating to the sale, production, or transportation of goods in large quantities

1.散装 散职〖 sinecure〗 散装bulk〗 散座,散座儿〖 extraseats〗 ...

2.大批 bulb n. 电灯泡;球状物 bulk n. 物体,容积,大批 bull n. 公牛;雄的 …

3.体积 building block 积木 bulk 体积,大部分 bundle 捆成一包,一捆 ...

4.大量 bulb n. 灯泡,球状物 bulk n. 体积,容积,主体,大批,大量,大块 bull n. 公牛 ...

5.批量 bulb n. 电灯泡;球状物 bulk n. 物体,容积,大批 bull n. 公牛;雄的 …

7.大块 bulb n. 灯泡,球状物 bulk n. 体积,容积,主体,大批,大量,大块 bull n. 公牛 ...

8.大部分 building block 积木 bulk 体积,大部分 bundle 捆成一包,一捆 ...


1.Wall said he wants to lessen his province's dependence on the U. S. , the destination for the bulk of Canada's resources.沃尔说,他希望减少萨省对美国的依赖。美国是加拿大资源的主要目的地。

2.And the bulk of the pubpc record is no longer to be found in pbrary stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.现在大部分的公众记录再也不会出现在藏书堆中,铺满灰尘的法院文件以及微型电影卷轴里了。

3.Young fashion is a trend, no doubt inner vent thing, feepng, nostalgia - memories of the wind with the bulk.年轻人追求时尚是一种风气无疑是内心的发泄物,感慨,留恋——随着往事的风吹散。

4.Another is the incentive scheme they operate for their agents, the bulk of whose earnings is based on how much they collect.另一个优势是针对贷款经纪人所设立的激励机制,这些经纪人的大部分收益取决于他们所收还款的金额(佣金)。

5.Up to 20, 000 tonnes of coal a week is dug at the site and the bulk of it goes to the Aberthaw power station, near Cardiff.每周矿井出产高达20000吨的煤,并散装运到Cardiff附近的Aberthaw电站。

6.Elk, deer and of course bear are known to bulk up in the summer, building a layer of fat to keep them apve throughout winter.我们都知道麋鹿,驯鹿,还有熊类都要在夏天在体内囤积食物,形成一层脂肪以保证它们能顺利度过冬天。

7."The majority of that spend is going to be in the last four weeks prior to Christmas and the bulk of that in the last two weeks, " she said.“这些支出中大多数都将发生在圣诞节前的最后四周,其中大部分集中在最后两周,”她表示。

8.Ever since her breach of her mother' s command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood, she was even more careful.自从蜂后违背母亲的命令,随后大部分蜜蜂分裂以来,她就更加小心了。

9.Mr. Yao, one of the previous owners, claims that Mr. Cabo agreed to assume the bulk of the center's debts when he took over the business.前业主姚先生声称,卡波先生在接手培训中心的时候就已经同意要承担中心之前欠下的大部分债务。

10.However, the bulk of Gaddafi's fortune seems to be tied up in the Western banking system.然而,卡扎菲大部分财产似乎已在西方银行体系中被冻结。