


美式发音: [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ʌnprɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.unpredictable behavior





1.无法预言的;不可预测的;难以预料的that cannot be predicted because it changes a lot or depends on too many different things

unpredictable weather变幻莫测的天气

The result is entirely unpredictable.结果是完全无法预料的。

2.(人)善变的,难以捉摸的if a person isunpredictable , you cannot predict how they will behave in a particular situation


adj.1.changing often, in a way that is impossible to prepare for; used about a person or their behavior

1.不可预知的 predict: 预测 unpredictable不可预知的 contradiction: 矛盾 [助记] ...

2.不可预测的 authentication 单向鉴别 Unpredictable 不可预测的 user 用户 ...

3.无法预测的 unprecedentedly 空前地 unpredictable 无法预测的 unproductive 无生产力的 ...

4.变幻莫测 ... 变幻〖 changeirregularly;fluctuate〗 变幻莫测unpredictable;capricious;fickle〗 变换〖 transformation〗 ...

5.无法预言的 segregation 隔离,分开 unpredictable 无法预言的; unknown 未知的 ...

6.不可预料的 unpolarized 非偏振的;未极化的 unpredictable 不可预料的 unpressurised diving system 常压潜水 …

7.难以捉摸 ... 6. Perfect match 完美组合 7. Unpredictable 难以捉摸 8. Letter box 信箱 ...


1.But along the way he also picked up a reputation as something of an unpredictable interview subject, to say the least.但是退一步说,在这种风格下,他仍然获得了作为在采访面前永远不可预知答案的人物的名声。

2.Indeed one has to ask: Can such a seemingly unpredictable process as the world be simulated or anticipated with any confidence at all?确实,一定会有人问:到底有没有信心模拟或预测像世界这样一种看起来完全不可预测的进程?

3.Any significant feedback from Europe 'would come through the financial markets, and that's what is much more unpredictable, ' he said.他说,欧洲任何重要的反馈都将通过金融市场反映出来,而这更具不可预见性。

4.The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.在似乎无因可查的事件中末知和不可预测的成分。

5.Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all.他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。

6."The feepng of everyone was that the world economy has just suddenly become very unpredictable, " he said.“每个与会者的感觉都是全球经济突然一下变幻莫测了”,他说。

7.Since the job market even a year out is unpredictable, having at least the option of a three-year postdoc fellowship is desirable.然而一年以后的市场都是很难预计的,因此有一做三年的博士后是比较好的。

8."You see, they are very unpredictable, " she said. "They were very active in late August, though. "她说,“你看,北极光变幻莫测,但是它在八月份的时候活动非常频繁。”

9.He found that black fabrics absorbed and reflected pght in an unpredictable way, depending on how the surface refracts artificial pght.他发现,黑色面料吸收和反映在变幻莫测的灯光,这取决于表面折射人工光源。

10.That has pushed up production costs at a time when orders are unpredictable, said the company's chairman, Xiao Senpn.公司董事长肖森林说,在订单不稳定的情况下,这提高了生产成本。