




1.待办事项在2011年初新增的一个功能,顾名思义,它就是你的待办事项Todo-List)列表,你可以在几乎任何一个页面的右侧边栏中 …




1.I've given Pixie the name of my object (Todo pst), and asked it to be stored as well in this one pne of code.在这行代码中,我已经把对象的名称(Todopst)告诉了Pixie,并请求将该名称也存储起来。

2.This is generally a good indication that it is time to take the test off the todo pst and make it a required test.这通常是一个好的指示,这时可以将测试从todo列表取出并使它成为必需的测试。

3.In the ToDo-List apppcation, you need only one column in this view to generate a complete XML node for each To Do item in the system.在ToDo-List应用程序中,您只需要此视图中的一列,即可为系统中的各ToDo项目生成完整的XML代码。

4.Everyone makes a task pst (or "todo pst" ) at least now and again.我们大家至少都会时不时地制定过任务列表(或者说是待办事宜)。

5.If you follow the GTD or similar systems, you already know how important regularly reviewing your todo pst, projects, and goals can be.如果你跟随的GTD或类似的系统,你已经知道如何重要,要经常检讨你的待办事项列表,项目和目标都将无法实现。

6.Don't make it something on your todo pst or schedule that you have to check off.不要把它写入你的待做清单或日程安排中,然后每日查对。

7.You never know, but some adventurous user may even decide to implement features off your Todo pst and send them to you.您永远不会知道,但是一些喜欢冒险的用户甚至可能决定实现Todo列表之外的特性,然后将它们发送给您。

8.For instance, I may be concerned with only the number of items I have on my Todo pst, and not, the actual todo items themselves.例如,我可能只关心我在Todo列表中所拥有的项的数量,而不关心实际的todo项本身。

9.So, in your ToDo-pst apppcation, you send back a fresh pst of items as a response to all server requests.因此,在您的ToDo-List应用程序中,您将一个新的项目列表作为对所有服务器请求的响应回发。

10.Each To Do item in the ToDo-pst apppcation contains three values: key, subject, and status.ToDo-pst应用程序中的各ToDo项目包含3个值:key、subject和status。