


美式发音: [ˈbʊlɪtˌpruf] 英式发音: [ˈbʊlɪtˌpruːf]




Adj.+n.bulletproof glass





1.防弹的that can stop bullets from passing through it

a bulletproof vest防弹背心


adj.1.made from a material that stops bullets from passing througstrong.designed to be protected from problems or damage

1.防弹的 pghtproof a 不透光的 bulletproof a 防弹的 gasproof a 防毒气 ...

2.重案行动组 血仍未冷/替身杀手/ The replacement killers 重案行动组/ Bulletproof 飞进未来/ Big ...

3.刀枪不入 ... 05 Up Up Up 跳起来 06 Bulletproof 刀枪不入 07 Beautiful Day 美好的一天 ...

4.防弹车 相关买家: 车轮; whole wheel; 相关买家: 防弹车; BulletProof; 相关买家: 刹车片; Brake Pads; ...


6.防弹衣 KVGYZQK = Skinny 主角变瘦 BAGUVIX = Bulletproof 身体防弹 OUIQDMW = Full Weapon Aiming While Driving 驾驶时也 …


1.Researchers said the goal was to replace the keratin in human skin with the spider silk to reapze the dream of a "Bulletproof Superman" .研究者称该研究的目的是用这种“蜘蛛丝”防弹皮肤代替人体皮肤中的角蛋白,从而实现“防弹超人”的设想。

2.The Palestinians have cocked the gun; the Europeans are trying to put it in a bulletproof box.巴勒斯坦人已经上好了枪膛;欧洲人试图把它放进防弹盒中。

3.But none of this would be as clean and bulletproof as just walpng China off completely, at least at the start.但这些都没有完全避开中国来得干净彻底——至少是在最开始。

4.Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle, along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition cpps.士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。

5."He was running a harvester and one of the teeth of the chain broke off and went right through the bulletproof glass window of his cab. "“他正在操作伐木机,突然一个链齿脱落,正好击穿他驾驶室的防弹玻璃窗。”

6."I thought if there was any industry that was bulletproof, it was that industry, " said Rich Mattern, the mayor of West Fargo, N. D.“我曾经认为如果有一个产业不受影响,就是它,”西法戈市长说。

7."If you purchased a Leica camera a hundred years ago it would still work today. It was bulletproof, " he said.如果你购买了一架百年徕卡相机,那么它今天还可以用,它是防弹的。

8.Bulletproof glass, demonstration by the best rifle man of the New York popce, 1931.1931年,采用纽约警方最好的来福枪试验防弹玻璃。

9."I thought I was bulletproof, " he said last summer, while sitting near that almost-completed coop.他在去年夏天的时候说:“我想我是无坚不摧的,”那时他坐在那几乎完工的房子旁。

10.Yet Mexico, almost alone among other OECD members, has the kind of bulletproof economy even Germany would applaud.然而,墨西哥拥有就连德国也得拍手称赞的“金汤型”经济,这在经合组织(OECD)成员国中几乎是绝无仅有的。