


美式发音: [ˈbraɪtn] 英式发音: [ˈbraitn]





un.1.seaside resort on the Engpsh Channel in East Sussex, southern England.

1.布莱顿 赫特福德大学 Hertfordshire 布莱顿大学 Brighton 米德塞斯大学 Middlesex ...

3.布赖顿大学 全部>> 我来整理 Elpot 文档数据 分享于 2009-05-18 12...


7.英国布赖顿位於英国布赖顿Brighton)的女子寄宿学校Roedean School,由9月20至21号,在铜锣湾怡东酒店举行面试。该校声称为英国 …


1.But as my sister-in-law happened to be in Brighton with her children I weathered the first shock of it under her shelter.但是因为我的嫂嫂和她的孩子们恰好都在布赖顿,我在她的庇护下经受住了第一波冲击。

2.They are at Brighton now, you know; in one of the best houses there, as Mr. Rushworth's fine fortune gives them a right to be.你知道吧,他们现在在布赖顿——住的是最上等的房子,因为拉什沃思先生有的是钱,完全住得起。

3.There many carry on just as if they were still in Bognor, Blackpool or Brighton.许多人在那儿的生活,就仿佛自己还是在英国的博格诺、布莱克浦或布赖顿等城市那样。

4.Well, all right. I agree with you about that . but I still prefer Brighton as a town .唔,不错。关于这方面,我同意你的意见。但就城市而言,我还是喜欢布莱顿。

5."If I see France looking at Brighton, " he laid his head upon one side, and beamed at Shelton, "what do I do? "“我要看到法国觊觎勃拉顿,”他把头偏向一边,眉飞色舞地瞧着谢尔顿,“我会怎么办?”

6.The findings are due to be presented at the British Psychological Society in Brighton on Thursday.该项将于周四在英国心理学会在布莱顿的会议上公布。

7.Nurse Jason Clark, 41, from Brighton, southern England, was one of the first to take part.41岁的杰森?克拉克是来自英国南部布莱顿的一位护士,他也是率先登台亮相者之一。

8.It is not quite a week since they left Brighton.他们离开白利屯还不到一个星期。

9.Brighton is not the only city in the world with a large LGBT community.除了布莱顿,世界的其他城市也有大型的同性恋社区。

10.so he took the cunt down to fucking Brighton.是的,所以他把那个笨蛋带到了布莱顿