


美式发音: [ˈkriki] 英式发音: [ˈkriːki]



比较级:creakier  最高级:creakiest  同义词反义词





1.嘎吱作响的making creaks

a creaky old chair嘎吱作响的旧椅子

2.老朽的;破旧的;摇摇欲坠的old and not in good condition

the country's creaky legal machinery这个国家摇摇欲坠的司法机构


adj.1.making a creaking sound2.no longer working well or in good condition

1.叽叽嘎嘎的 creak 吱吱作响 creaky 叽叽嘎嘎的 cream 乳酪 ...

2.吱吱嘎嘎作响的 chore 杂活;烦人的家务事 creaky 吱吱嘎嘎作响的 dagger 匕首;短剑 ...

3.叽嘎的 ... creak 辗轧声 creaky 叽嘎的 cream puff 懦夫 ...

4.吱嘎音 ... 3。move sth ahead 推进 4。creaky 吱吱嘎嘎的 2.Move sth forward …

6.嘎吱作响的 fibrositis 详细 creaky 2. 嘎吱作响的 rheumatic 1. 风湿病患者 ...

7.嘎吱声 jiangniuer 江妞儿 creaky 周杰伦 ginux 胡剑超 ...


1.The Fram continued to ride the floes toward the Pole at the creaky pace of a few miles a day.随后,弗拉姆号继续乘着浮冰,以每天几英里的速度吱嘎作响地漂向北极。

2.The story was so unreasonable complete, even including the woman out of the door, the the last creaky sound from the door shut.情节也是那样的不合情理的完整,居然最后那个女人出门,一直到门关上发出的“吱”的一声,都包括在内。

3.And Pastor drove him to Staten Island, and the old man walked three fpghts of creaky stairs into the arms of his beloved wife.牧师开车送他前往,老先生走了三层楼梯,终于可以跟爱妻拥抱。

4.Because large portions of the Mac OS were still based on creaky old code, Apple decided that it had to start from scratch.由于很大一部分的MacOS仍基于陈旧的代码,苹果公司决定另起炉灶、从头开始。

5.Everything had been so clear. The door opening, the creaky sound, the moon out of the window, the scarlet nails, the cold feepng.一切是那样的清晰,打开的门,“吱”的一声响,窗外的月亮,血红的指甲,冰冰凉凉的感觉。

6.No one is predicting an economic miracle in Iraq, which is still smarting from decades of sanctions and a creaky, centrally planned economy.数十年的制裁和陈旧的中央计划经济造成的痛苦仍然存在,没人预计伊拉克会出现经济奇迹。

7.He looks creaky on defense, and usually didn't even bother to meet Bryant until he got to the free-throw pne.他在防守端的表现并不好,而且他甚至不会看到科比,除非科比走上罚球线。

8.It would have been creaky in a 1930s B movie, but here, it seemed as incongruous as a plane crashing into the street.这在上世纪30年代的电影中,可能是个出彩的构思。可在这儿,就像一架飞机坠落在街道上一样,显得很不协调。

9.Venezuela is beset by a weak economy, high rates of violent crime, lofty inflation and a creaky electric supply.委内瑞拉经济不振,犯罪率高,通货膨胀严重,电力供应也不稳定。

10.The system became sclerotic, and over time, the economic engine of the world turned creaky and sluggish.整个系统变得僵硬和过时,曾经世界经济的引擎变得破旧和毫无活力。