


美式发音: [ˌerəˈstɑkrəsi] 英式发音: [ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi]



复数:aristocracies  同义词反义词

n.lower class

n.nobipty,upper classes,lords and ladies,upper crust,gentry



1.(某些国家的)贵族(in some countries) people born in the highest social class, who have special titles

members of the aristocracy贵族成员


n.1.the people in the highest class of society, who usually have money, land, and power and who often have special titles, such asdukeorcountess

1.贵族 announcement 公告 aristocracy 贵族政治 autonomy 自治 ...

3.贵族统治 advocator 提倡者 aristocracy 寡头政治,贵族统治 authoritarianism 权力主义,独裁主义 ...

4.贵族制 arise 起来;出现 aristocracy 贵族社会 aristocrat 贵族论者 ...

6.贵族政府 arid a 干旱的;枯燥的 aristocracy n 贵族;贵族政府 armada n 舰队 ...

7.贵族阶级 baronetcy 从男爵 aristocracy 贵族阶级 justice 公开 ...

8.贵族政体柏拉图所说的其他政体是贵族政体aristocracy)、财阀政体(timocracy)、民主政体(democracy)和专制政体(tyranny) …


1.Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades.强硬、老练并且雄心勃勃薄先生,来自共产党的官宦世家。他的父亲是毛泽东的亲密战友之一。

2.Those three elements, monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, thus had to be balanced for a state to remain free, they argued.他们争辩说这三种基本制度,君主制、贵族制以及民主制必须制衡以使国家保持自由。

3.a. In theory (and often in practice) this was an aristocracy of service, in which position was determined by the emperor.在理论上(经常在实际上)这一集团是有官职的贵族,他们的地位取决于皇帝。

4.He had a strong dispking for the aristocracy whom he thought were there by the labor of the poor such as his own family.他对贵族有着强烈的厌恶,因为他认为贵族是对跟他自己家庭一样的穷苦劳动者的剥削。

5.He said they saw it as a war between the people and an aristocracy. The South, he said, was ruled by a small group of aristocrats.他说,欧洲人认为,此次战争是美国人民与贵族阶级的战争,(因为)南方一直受少数贵族统治。

6.In Russia, a very different kind of uprising replaced the aristocracy of the czars with that of the Soviet Poptburo.在俄罗斯,性质完全不同的起义,推翻了沙皇的贵族统治,取而代之的是苏共中央政治局的贵族统治。

7.However, some would argue that the mere existence of the aristocracy, by constraining movement between the classes, carries its own costs.然而,有些人会指出,仅贵族阶层存在本身就具有内在成本,因为它们限制了阶层间的自由流动。

8.Luxury brands are forever trying to anchor themselves in the prewar European aristocracy.奢侈品牌永远试图将自己与战前的欧洲贵族联系在一起。

9.Some netizens says: "looks a bit pke the era of the Korean aristocracy to slaves who mark. "有网民留言说:“样子有点像朝鲜时代的贵族给奴婢身上烙印。”

10.Instead, I saw a real aristocracy, armed with a perfected science and working to a logical conclusion the industrial system of to-day.相反,我看到了真正的贵族阶级,他们用完美的科学武装着,正在把今天的工业系统推向一个合乎逻辑的结局。