


美式发音: ['bʌndʒi] 英式发音: ['bʌndʒi]






1.蹦极;蹦极索a long rope which can stretch, that people tie to their feet when they do bungee jumping

2.(两端带钩子的)弹力绳索a thick elastic rope with a hook at each end that can be used to hold packages together, keep things in position, etc.


n.1.a cord or rope made from elastic material

1.蹦极 roller coaster n. 过山车 bungee n. 跳簧;弹性束;橡皮筋 bungee jumping 蹦极跳 ...

3.弹性束 roller coaster n. 过山车 bungee n. 跳簧;弹性束;橡皮筋 bungee jumping 蹦极跳 ...

4.跳簧 roller coaster n. 过山车 bungee n. 跳簧;弹性束;橡皮筋 bungee jumping 蹦极跳 ...

5.蹦极绳索 Parachute 降落伞 Bungee 蹦级绳索 Banana Bomb 香蕉炸弹 ...

7.关于蹦极关于蹦极bungee) 2010-09-13 20:54:13| 分类: 运动天地 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 评论这张 转发至微博 转发至微博 Parkour


1.Tom cut up the front seats for the second pair of snowshoes and fastened both sets to their feet with bungee cords.汤姆开始用前座制成第二双雪鞋,然后用橡皮筋把两双鞋紧紧绑在两人的腿上。

2.Luxury has always been a cycpcal industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged pke a well-dressed bungee-jumper.奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。

3.And so Eagleman came up with an original experimental paradigm: SCAD jumping, which is often described as bungee jumping without the bungee.所以,毅革曼想出了一个原创的实验范式:SCAD跳,它通常被描述为没有蹦极的蹦极跳。

4.Modern bungee jumping is usually done in a parking lot and people jump from a platform at the top of a crane.现代蹦极的场地通常是停车场,许多人从起重机顶部的平台跳下去。

5.Now, that palpable sense of violence has been replaced by bungee-jumping tourists and a generation of opportunistic small business owners.如今,显而易见的暴力感觉被蹦极游客和擅于抢占商机的新生代小企业主所取代。

6.Such a fall should have been deadly, Xinhua said. "So describing this finance crisis as 'bungee jumping' may be more appropriate. "新华社称,真的坠落悬崖的话,那就会要了美国的命,“所以,用‘财政蹦极’来形容美国这场财政危机或许更为贴切。”

7.Including when you are going for the emotional bungee jump that getting out of your comfort zone can be.包括,你离开安逸窝到户外进行激动人心的蹦级。

8.It were stupid of me to go bungee jumping.我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了。

9.There have been no fatal accidents so far in the United States , but two French jumpers fell to their deaths when their bungee cords broke.到目前为止在美国还没有发生严重的事故,但是在法国有两个人丧命于蹦极绳子的断裂。

10.At the beginning when I drew several roller coasters, I feel that I was affected by the express of painting and bungee jumping more widen.开始画过山车,画了几张就感觉画面的表达受到影响,蹦极在表达上更开阔自由一些。