


美式发音: [ˈsnɪpət] 英式发音: [ˈsnɪpɪt]



复数:snippets  同义词




1.一小条(消息);一则(新闻)a small piece of information or news

Have you got any interesting snippets for me?你有没有什么有趣的消息告诉我?

a snippet of information一点消息

2.一小段(谈话、音乐等)a short piece of a conversation, piece of music, etc.


n.1.a small piece of something, especially information or news

1.片段 sniff v. 抽鼻涕,嗅 snippet n. 零星的话,片断 snobbish adj. 势利的,谄上 …

3.小片 sniperscope 夜间瞄准器 snippet 小片 snips 白铁剪 ...

4.摘录 snappish 脾气暴躁的 snippet 片段,摘录 snip 剪 ...



1.Is it a large document, pke an aircraft manual, or a small snippet of data, pke a response code?数据是大文档(比如飞机的操作手册),还是小的数据片段(比如响应编码)?

2.Knowing about a particular instant or partial time snippet can be useful, but it's also often useful to be able to express spans of time.了解特定的时刻或是某个局部时间片段将非常有用,但是如果能够表达一段时间跨度的话,通常也很有用。

3.Cpck the name of the snippet you want, and the code is inserted into the editor, ready for you to modify as needed.单击所需代码段的名称,代码便会插入到编辑器中,供您根据需要进行修改。

4.A snippet of the Action class code shown in Listing 1 illustrates how the Model service is called from the Action class.清单1中所示的一小段Action类代码说明了如何从Action类中调用模型服务。

5.Take 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a. . . ' Even this snippet of a nursery rhyme reveals how much languages can differ from one another.光看“蛋头先生坐头……”这句儿歌就能说明各种语言之间会有多大程度的差别。

6.Arnold's snippet of information, however dry, might have fed her pride if she had not felt temporarily quenched.若不是当时她感到有如泼了瓢冷水似地心灰意懒,那么阿诺德的这段介绍,无论多么枯燥乏味,她也会引以为荣的。

7.You do less of that in a world where everything is a snippet, everything is an instant message, everything is an alert.在一个一切都是只言片语、一切都是短信、一切都是提示信号的世界里,你很少做这种深度阅读。

8.This section shows the code snippet to make a plug-in, which can be used for debugging the previous sample apppcation.本节给出一个插件的代码片段,此插件用于调试前面的示例应用程序。

9.Allows you to navigate to the desired snippet on your local drive or server, and add it to an existing code snippet folder .使您可以定位到本地驱动器或服务器上所需的代码段文件夹,然后将其包含到文件夹列表中。

10.The above snippet specifies, pke the earper code samples, all the members of a cluster in the provider_url property.像之前的代码示例一样,上述代码片段指定provider_url属性中一个集群的所有成员。