



美式发音: [ˈbʌni] 英式发音: ['bʌni]



复数:bunnies  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.pink bunny





n.1.a rabbit. This word is used by children or when talking to children.

1.兔子 7.marble 大理石 8.bunnies 兔子 10.butterfly 蝴蝶 ...

2.小兔子 Pigs 猪 Bunnies 兔宝宝 Turtles 龟 ...

4.宾尼兔 ... 《小破孩 Pobaby》 《宾尼兔 Bunnies》 《多啦A梦 叮当 Doraemon》 ...

5.小兔儿 ... 88. Two Little Apples 两只小苹果 89. Bunnies 小兔儿 90. The Little Turtle 小乌龟 ...

6.小梦 苏梅岛机场 Samui Airport 小梦 & Bunnies 埋伏 Ambush ...



1.The original Playboy Bunnies were waitresses at the many clubs the company used to run but shut down in the late 1980s.花花公子兔女郎最初在公司经营的很多俱乐部担任女招待,但80年代末都关闭了。

2.We told him why his plot was special: how it was right next to the woods so there would be lots of bunnies and deer.我们告诉他这块地方很特别:这里紧靠着小树林,会有很多的小兔子和小鹿过来。

3.Supporters said that since the bunnies were going to be culled anyway, using them for fuel was both economical and environmentally friendly.支持者们表示既然兔子是要除掉的,把它们拿来烧掉不但经济而且环保。

4.A Dallas-born stripper who worked in Las Vegas, Renfro was one of the first Playboy Bunnies.作为一个出生在达拉斯,而后到拉斯维加斯工作的脱衣舞娘,伦芙洛是《花花公子》的第一批宠儿。

5.Paper napkins are used to create a menagerie of origami animals: bunnies, a dog, and a bear that can be made during the party.在聚会时,餐巾纸可以用来创造一群折纸动物:小兔子,小狗,还有熊。

6.One of the test subjects escapes, resulting in a race of bloodthirsty, wolf-sized, man-, horse-, and cow-eating bunnies.一个测试对象逃逸,导致种族的嗜血,狼大,人为,马车,和牛吃兔子。

7.Some of the 25, 000 bunnies that worked in the clubs over the years went on to be famous too, including rocker Debbie Harry.多年以来,为俱乐部工作过的25000名兔女郎中也不乏优秀之人脱颖而出,例如摇滚歌手黛比·哈莉。

8.CLUB BLING welcomes you to join us for the sexiest night in Beijing! Free bubbly for all bunnies and many more gifts and presents await!北京最性感的一个周三!只要穿着兔女郎装就即可获得免费香槟酒,以及有更多免费礼物等你拿。

9.A guy came in wearing a long overcoat, a brown hat and bunnies. I thought it was a bit strange because it was a cool, cloudy day outside.一位男子走了进来,穿着一件长外套,戴着一顶棕色的帽子和一副太阳眼镜。我觉得有一点奇怪,因为外面是个凉爽多云的天。

10.We shall. We are! Thanking you as always. From all of us down here . . . to all of you space bunnies up there . . . Happy Easter.我们会的。我们一定!一如往常的感谢你们。代表我们所有人。。。向你们所有的空间兔宝宝说。。。复活节快乐。