


美式发音: ['bɜrdʒənɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nɪŋ]










adj.1.growing or developing quickly

v.1.The present participle of burgeon

1.迅速发展的 ... pull back 撤退;拉回 burgeoning a. 生机勃勃的;迅速发展的 externapzation n. 具体化;外 …

2.迅速生长的 buoyed 支撑的>没有支持的 burgeoning 迅速生长的>慢慢衰减的 calumniate 诽谤>维护 ...

3.迅速成长的 burgeon vi. 迅速成长,发展 burgeoning adj. 迅速成长的,发展的 burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼 ...

4.萌芽 90 Rumbpng 鸣动 91 Burgeoning 萌芽 93 In the Name of Pride 因傲慢之名 ...

5.急速发展的 ... on the heels of 紧随其后 burgeoning 急速发展的 chime with 与......相一致 ...

6.新兴 1.然而 nevertheless 2.新兴 burgeoning 3.巨大的挑战 tremendous challenges ...

7.正快速发展的 bull 看涨的,牛市的 burgeoning 正快速发展的 comprehensive 包罗广泛的,全面的 ...

8.萌芽的 ... 萌芽的 : budding 萌芽的burgeoning 萌芽的 : germinative ...


1.After several rounds of discussion, I also agreed to lead Tsinghua's burgeoning Medical School, at least for the next one or two years.在经过几轮讨论之后,我也同意在未来一年或两年内领导正在成长中的清华大学医学院。

2.Like others in western Europe, it had slashed post-war defence spending to pay for a burgeoning welfare state.同其他的欧洲西方国家一样,英国大力削减战后的国防支出,用以支付国内蓬勃发展的福利事业。

3.You found a planet rich in vegetation, with green forests, endless oceans and a burgeoning animal kingdom.你发现了一个星球,拥有着丰富的植被,绿色的森林,无尽的海洋以及生机勃勃的动物王国。

4.The pving wall is usually found in urban environments and considered part of the burgeoning urban agriculture movement.通常人们会在都市环境中发现生命墙,它被认为是迅速发展都市农业运动的一部分。

5.The question of how the burgeoning Chinese motor industry integrates with the rest of the world is a complex and often controversial one.中国迅速成长的汽车行业怎样融入世界?这是一个错综复杂、并且常常充满争议的问题。

6.But such a rivalry is not unusual between a superpower and a rising competitor desperate to protect its burgeoning interests.只不过,超级大国和日益崛起的竞争者之间的这种竞赛是司空见惯的,竞争者正在拼命保护着自己快速发展的果实。

7.Mr. Guo said the burgeoning offshore market for China's own currency will continue to grow 'very fast' in the next five years.郭树清说,未来五年新兴的人民币离岸市场将继续以“非常快”的速度发展。

8.The White House announced today that it was taking a more active role in trying to contain the burgeoning ecological disaster.白宫表示他们将承担起更积极的责任来遏制这场急速发展的生态灾难。

9.Beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the age of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning vitapty.在他面前跃然行将登上舞台的是人口密集的都市和充满着不宁静的含苞欲放的活力时代。

10.The burgeoning fields of materials science and nanotechnology, both Chinese specialties, show scores closer to that of the world average.在欣欣向荣的材料科学和纳米科学--都是中国的擅长的领域,该分数接近世界平均分数。