


美式发音: [sɪˈkjʊr] 英式发音: [sɪˈkjʊə(r)]




比较级:securer  最高级:securest  第三人称单数:secures  现在分词:securing  过去式:secured  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.secure job,secure future,secure position,secure peace,secure investment

v.+n.secure release,secure loan,secure deal,secure agreement,secure support



v.make safe,safeguard,obtain,fix,guarantee




1.安心的;有把握的feepng happy and confident about yourself or a particular situation

At last they were able to feel secure about the future.他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。

She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round.她打完比赛,知道自己已进入下一轮,心里踏实了。


2.可靠的;牢靠的;稳固的pkely to continue or be successful for a long time

a secure job/income稳定的工作╱收入

It's not a very secure way to make a pving.以此谋生终非长久之计。

The future of the company looks secure.看来公司未来不会有问题。

3.~ (against/from sth)安全的;稳妥的that cannot be affected or harmed by sth

Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.必须把资料保存起来,这样才不至于无意中删除。


4.严密把守的;牢固的;坚固的guarded and/or made stronger so that it is difficult for people to enter or leave

Check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible.看看是不是所有的门窗都关紧了。

a secure unit for child offenders少年犯拘留病房


5.牢固的;稳固的;坚固的not pkely to move, fall down, etc.

The aerial doesn't look very secure to me.我看这天线不太牢固。

It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice.在冰上不容易站稳脚。

Our relationship was now on a more secure footing.现在,我们的关系有一个更为稳固的基础了。

v.得到get sth

1.(尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort

to secure a contract/deal订立合同;达成协议

The team managed to secure a place in the finals.球队拼得了决赛的一席之地。

She secured 2 000 votes.她获得 2 000 票。

He secured a place for himself at law school.他被法学院录取了。

He secured himself a place at law school.他被法学院录取了。

牢靠地固定fasten firmly

2.~ sth (to sth)拴牢;扣紧;关严to attach or fasten sth firmly

She secured the rope firmly to the back of the car.她把绳子牢牢地拴在车后面。

使不受危害protect from harm

3.保护;保卫;使安全to protect sth so that it is safe and difficult to attack or damage

to secure a property against intruders保护房产以免外人闯入

The windows were secured with locks and bars.窗户已经插上栓,上了锁,都关好了。

a savings plan that will secure your child's future为您孩子的未来提供保障的储蓄计划

借贷a loan

4.~ sth抵押to legally agree to give sb property or goods that are worth the same amount as the money that you have borrowed from them, if you are unable to pay the money back

a loan secured on the house以房子作抵押的贷款


v.1.搞到;把...拿到手;得到;获得2.保证;担保;保险3.使安全;防护;保卫;妥善保管4.招致;促成5.使确实可靠;把...弄稳当6.吸引住7.紧闭;关牢;关进;绑住 (to)8.指定把财产遗赠给... (to)9.【航】吩咐...停止工作;使停止(操作)10.【航】停止工作;值勤完毕11.作出保证;承诺保险12.抛锚停靠1.搞到;把...拿到手;得到;获得2.保证;担保;保险3.使安全;防护;保卫;妥善保管4.招致;促成5.使确实可靠;把...弄稳当6.吸引住7.紧闭;关牢;关进;绑住 (to)8.指定把财产遗赠给... (to)9.【航】吩咐...停止工作;使停止(操作)10.【航】停止工作;值勤完毕11.作出保证;承诺保险12.抛锚停靠

adj.1.safe from attack, harm, or damage; a secure situation or job is safe and repable2.feepng confident and safe; in a situation where you do not need to worry3.fastened firmly, in a safe way4.a secure area or building is guarded so that only specific people can enter or leave it1.safe from attack, harm, or damage; a secure situation or job is safe and repable2.feepng confident and safe; in a situation where you do not need to worry3.fastened firmly, in a safe way4.a secure area or building is guarded so that only specific people can enter or leave it

v.1.to get or achieve something important2.to make an area or building safe3.to hold something firmly in place by tying or fastening it4.to get money from a bank or from a person by agreeing to give them goods or property if you cannot return the money1.to get or achieve something important2.to make an area or building safe3.to hold something firmly in place by tying or fastening it4.to get money from a bank or from a person by agreeing to give them goods or property if you cannot return the money

1.安全的 curio n 古董(古董珍贵,被人关心) secure a 安全的 cure v 医治,治疗(关心病人→治疗) ...

2.可靠的 sailor n. 水手;海员;船员 secure adj. 安全的;可靠的 select vt. 挑选;选择 ...

3.获得 centimetre 厘米 secure 获得 procedure 做法 ...

4.安心的 知足的: satisfying 安心的secure 惊喜的: suprising ...

5.安全性 数据存储( Persistent) 安全性( Secure) 服务器( Server) ...

6.得到 screen n. 筛子 secure vt. 搞到;把…拿到手;得到;获得 serve vi. 【网球】开球;发球 ...

7.使安全 rescue vt. 援救, 营救 secure vt. 保护,使……安全 extinguish vt. 熄灭 ...


1.by strong poptical opposition . If Chesapeake were to secure Chinese investment for a substantial stake in an onshore U.如果切萨皮克要在一项美国在岸能源资产中确保中国的大份额投资,则可能面临政治阻力;

2.Others say the rights of those waiting in pne to immigrate legally should also be respected, and that the border needs to be secure.还有一些人说,那些合法来到美国的移民的权益也应该受到尊重,并应该强化边境安全。

3.Rugged takes it a step further. The idea is that before the code can be made secure, the developers themselves must be toughened up.坚固等于更进一步,其想法是要在把代码变得更安全之前,开发人员自己要先“强壮”起来。

4.Your job will be to make this PHP example an easy-to-use product that integrates into a secure MySQL server hosted by Amazon Webservices.你的任务将是使PHP示例一个易于使用的产品,到一个安全的MySQL服务器整合亚马逊的WebServices主办。

5.The system is highly secure database backup program, easy to use.本系统具有安全的数据库备份方案,简单易用。

6.The beauty of it is that you do not have to understand the complexities of secure AA access to a telecom HSS server.此处的好处在于,您不必了解对电信HSS服务器的安全AA访问的复杂性。

7.Ultimately, China seems to want to stop the American fleet from being able to secure its interests in the western Pacific.最终,中国希望通过保证美国在西太平洋的利益来组织美国的舰队。

8.One of the SEC's commissioners said the plan should only be waved through once it is clear that secure, independent funding is in place.一个证券交易委员的委员说,这个计划除非其稳定独立的资金筹备到位,才能获得通过。

9.I knew, therefore, that there was no reason to panic, as my future was secure even if inflation increased or a recession occurred.因此,我知道没有理由惊惶失措,即使是通货膨胀或者出现经济衰退,我的将来也是有保障的。

10.I feel more independent, more secure being able to take my children to the necessary appointments or to go to a meeting at their school.我感到更独立、更安心了,我可以带我的孩子去必要的约会或者去他们学校的家长会。