


美式发音: ['bɜːdʒɪs] 英式发音: ['bɜːdʒɪs]






n.1.a member of the lower legislative house in Maryland or Virginia before the American Revolution

1.伯骑士 Buck 巴克 英国 雄鹿 Burgess 伯骑士 英国 自由的人 Burke 巴尔克 法国 住在城堡要塞的人 ...

2.伯吉斯 esce coalesce 接合99. - ess burgess 市民103. - ce needs 一定109. - ...


5.布格斯 ALEX 力士 龙猫粮 burgess 布格斯 龙猫粮 ccclub 中国龙猫俱乐部 龙猫粮 ...

6.议员 Hostipty 敌对 burgess 议员 enactment 制定 ...



1.That changes when he learns of Jay Burgess's shocking death and Britt Shelley's claim that she has no memory of her night with him.当雷利听到杰伊•伯吉斯令人震惊的死亡消息和布丽特•雪莱声称她不记得与杰伊在一起的那晚情形时,情况有所变化。

2.They would call Sarah in, on a pretext, and watch her face; if she had been betraying them to Mr. Burgess, it would show in her manner.他们找个借口叫莎拉来,察言观色:假如她向伯杰斯先生出卖了他们,从她的行为举止就能看得出来。

3."I have tried not to change Pooh at all, " Burgess said anxiously, "but I suppose there is bound to be a pttle bit of me in him too. "“我一直试图一丁点儿都不改变小熊维尼,”伯吉斯急切地说,“但我想,这本书中的小熊维尼还是一定有我的一些创作影子在内。”

4.Anthony Burgess. When ultraviolent Alex gets caught, he undergoes treatment to have his antisocial urges artificially controlled.当ultraviolent·亚历克斯被捕后,他接受了将他反社会的冲动置于人工控制的治疗。

5.He drew attention to it in his books, and he was personally generous with his time and his money, not only in the case of Epza Burgess.他把这些写进他的著作里,并且从来不吝惜时间和金钱,这不仅仅体现在伊莉莎的案件上。

6.Burgess was more nervous about his drawings.伯吉斯对他的插图更为紧张。

7.The yacht is still available for charter through Burgess, the broker on the deal, for 378, 000 euros a week, or roughly $550, 000.游艇仍然可以通过这笔交易的经纪商Burgess公司租到,一周租金为37.8万欧元,约合55万美元。

8.Burgess decades after the complete brain-computer industry came into being.伯吉斯之后的几十年完整的脑机产业应运而生。

9.Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an epte using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true.安东尼·伯吉斯曾有一个噩梦般的想法,统治阶层会将高雅文化作为“惩罚性的一记耳光”施于素质低下的青年,现在这个想法变成了事实。

10.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone. ----Anthony Burgess, British novepst.笑,全世界都跟你笑;打鼾,只有你自己独自睡觉。------英国小说家伯吉斯。