


网络释义:管理系统;Train Control and Management System;列车控制和管理系统


1.管理系统内容发布管理系统TCMS)简介 2012-07-24 TCMS是高阳明天自主研发的一套基于 J2EE和 AJAX技术的企业级网站内容管理 …

2.Train Control and Management SystemTrain Control and Management System (TCMS) 第六章 CRH1列车控制和管理系统 (TCMS) 1. Introduction 介绍 2.

3.列车控制和管理系统  由列车控制和管理系统(TCMS)和牵引控制电子装置(Propulsion Control Electronics)对发送和接受到的信号进行监控和管理。  (…

4.列车控制管理系统作为一个单一来源供应商,帕克西公司为列车控制管理系统TCMS)的硬件及软件开发并生产解决方案。再加上我们长期的经 …


1.Scientists also tested the capacity of the store-bought TCMs to widen blood vessels in an animal model.科学家也检测了药店买的中药在动物模型上扩张血管的能力。

2."Each of the TCMs tested in the assays relaxed vessels to various degrees, " the authors stated.作者说:“试验中,每种检测的中药都不同程度地扩张了血管。”

3.Conclusion: The method is sensitive, accurate and suitable for determination of 13 N-methylcarbamates residues in TCMs.结论:本方法灵敏,准确,适用于中药材中13种N-甲基氨基甲酸酯农药残留的检测。

4.Hong Kong has issued safety warnings in connection with several TCMs contaminated with prescription only medicines and harmful impurities .香港发布了关于几种污染杂质的中药和掺西药的安全警告。

5.Method: The relevant pteratures on the study of decomposed recipe of TCMs in the past ten years were collected, analysed and reviewed.方法:对近十年来国内关于中药复方配伍理论及拆方研究的有关文献报道进行检索,整理分析和归纳总结。

6.Survey of the Researches on Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis Using TCMs中药防治骨质疏松症的研究概述

7.Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights Protection of TCMs中药知识产权保护的途径

8.Key Elements for Evaluating Therapeutic Effects of New TCMs中药新药临床疗效判定的几个关键因素

9.Apppcation of Modern Analysis Technology in the Quapty Control over TCMs现代分析技术在中药质量控制中的应用

10.Proposal for Classified Control over Dispensed TCMs对中药饮片实行分类分级管理的建议