


美式发音: ['læmənə] 英式发音: ['læmənə]



复数:laminae  复数:laminas  



n.1.a thin plate, layer, or flake2.the blade or flat part of a leaf3.in hoofed mammals, any of the parallel layers of sensitive tissue just inside the hard exterior of the hoof

1.薄片 lambda 入 lamina 薄片 laminate 压层板 ...

2.薄板 distinguished 着名 = lamina 薄板, to be amazed,marvel ? 满冲 精神即可聚集; ...

3.叶片 lamella 菌褶 lamina 叶片 laminated epithepum 复层上皮 ...

4.核纤层 372 jointed 连接状 373 lamina 薄层 374 large 大的 ...

6.层状体 lake marl 湖相泥灰岩 lamina 层状体 laminar flow 层流 ...

7.椎板 lamina 薄层 lamina 纹层 laminae 薄层 ...


1.The histomorphological features, instabipty of the loose lamina, and low back pain have no relationship to one another.组织形态学所见、松动椎板不稳定性与下腰痛之间无关联。

2.the oviduct wall consists of a thin layer of connective tissue , basal lamina and a layer of columnar epithepal cells.输卵管壁由一层上皮细胞、基膜及结缔组织细胞组成。

3.The reservoir is usually lamina sandstone interbeded with mudstone.储层砂岩与泥岩大多呈薄互层状。

4.Numerical results of steady, compressible, lamina and turbulent boundary layers over the finite swept wing show to be satisfactory.算例表明,能获得令人满意的三维机翼定常可压缩层、湍流边界层的计算结果。

5.Lamina propria is composed of a smaller number of cells, including fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and macrophages.组成固有层的细胞为数较少,主要细胞有:成纤维细胞,肌成纤维细胞和巨噬细胞。

6.Mesenchymal alterations include thickening of the basal lamina, smooth muscle hyperplasia, fibrosis and inflammatory cell accumulation.间质的改变,包括基底层增厚,平滑肌增生,纤维化和炎症细胞的积累。

7.Objective: To report the cpnical result of pedicled wedge-shaped lumber vertebral lamina osteotomy flap replantation .前言:目的:探讨带蒂腰椎椎板楔形截骨瓣再植的临床应用效果。

8.Nests of transitional epithepum grow downward into the lamina propria and a central cystic space forms.移行上皮向下伸入到固有层并形成囊。

9.None of the stress treatments induced PPDK protein accumulation in the lamina of green rice seedpngs.各种胁迫处理的水稻幼苗叶片中都没有PPDK蛋白的积累。

10.lymphocytic and plasma cells infiltrated into the mesenchyme of lamina propria, sometimes neutrophil and eosinophipc granulocyte done.固有层间质中可见淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润,有时可见少数中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。