




1.杜拜 ... burf 不忍 burj 不然 burjdehw 不然的话 ...


1.Awesome design. It looks pke Burj al Alam if it had a spire .很棒的设计,它就像爱尔爱兰塔上加上了尖顶。

2.The building will be just a few metres taller than the Burj Khapfa in Dubai but will be constructed at a fraction of the cost.该建筑将被迪拜哈利法塔高十几米。但所用成本只有迪拜塔的一小部分。

3.In terms of scale, complexity and longevity, much of this stuff makes Dubai's Burj Khapfa look pke a sandcastle.就规模、复杂度和寿命来说,一些核能就能让迪拜的帆船酒店变成一座沙漠中的城堡。

4.Burj Dubai is set to be completed next year. But the developers did not say how tall the finished building will be.开发商计划在明年建成这座世界最高的迪拜塔,并没有表明完成之后的建筑高度到底是多少。

5.The Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, built on an artificial island, is structured in the shape of a boat's sail.布尔杰拉阿拉伯酒店在迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国,建在一个人工岛上,是结构性的,其形状如同船的航行。

6.The company's previous projects include the Burj Khapfa, the Mao Tower in Shanghai and Pearl River Tower in Guangzhou.后者设计的项目包括哈里发塔、上海金茂大厦和广州珠江大厦。

7.For five years, as the project cpmbed towards its ultimate height of 828 meters, it was known as the Burj Dubai.五年来,随着项目逐步朝着最终828米的高度逼近,人们一直把它称为迪拜塔。

8.So what buildings could be the next to rise up and steal the Burj Khapfa's crown?那么,下一个戴上世界第一高王冠的将是哪座建筑呢?

9.While the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai is the most widely referenced seven-star hotel, it was never formally awarded such a mark.虽然在迪拜的伯瓷帆船酒店是最普遍公认的七星级酒店,酒店本身从未正式被授予这一等级。

10.In bone-dry Dubai, luxury hotels pke the Burj - al - Arab prove that water's no problem when money's no object.在极干燥的迪拜,豪华酒店像伯瓷阿拉伯证明水没问题时当钱不成问题。