




1.布基纳法索 Belgium 比利时 Burkina 布基纳法索 Bulgaria 保加利亚 ...

2.布加纳法索 OUAGADOUGOU 瓦加杜古 BURKINA 布加纳法索 ASTURIAS 阿加图里 …

3.布基纳法索地图您的位置: 环球资讯>> 异国风情>> 布基纳法索地图(Burkina)布基纳法索地图(Burkina) 2008-7-30 14:20 | 查看: 128次 【投资 …

4.布吉纳尾巴尖尖的带根针 这是布吉纳(Burkina)的特徵 但目前还没听过有红色的布吉纳(国外亦然)可能是杂交种(HYBRID) 若真的是什 …


1."People can earn up to US$15 a week, which isn't insignificant in a poor country pke Burkina Faso, " says Andrea Micconi of LVIA.“人们每周最多能挣15美元,而这对像布基拉法所这样的贫困国家而言并不是一笔小数,”LIVA的安德利尔.米考尼说。

2.Also be informed that I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso that the money is still waiting to be claimed.也被通知我说我已经确认从银行的资金在布吉纳法索一直无人认领。

3.Riots over the rising prices have broken out in several African countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mozambique, and Senegal.价格上涨在若干非洲国家引起了暴乱,其中包括布基纳法索、喀麦隆、几内亚、莫桑比克和塞内加尔。

4.For foreigners pving in Burkina Faso, there's always a time for conversations about bodily functions. Here's one of those times.对住在布吉纳法索的外国人来说,总是有时间可以聊聊身体机能,这里有些从GRITSheadstoBurkina取得的片段

5.All entire process will take place in Burkina, from the cultivation of plants (cotton, Jatropha, etc. ) to the production of fuel.未来从棉花、桐油树等作物种植到燃料生产,都将在布吉纳法索国内进行。

6.When Reij first came to Burkina Faso with his wife, in 1978, he had been hired by Oxfam as a regional planner.1978年,瑞什和妻子第一次来到布基纳法索,受雇于乐施会,担任地方规划员。

7.He would fund leaders to only to later encourage their assassination, as he did with Burkina Faso's Thomas Sankara.他会给领袖们提供资助,但那只是为了激励之后的暗杀行动,他对布基纳法索的托马·桑卡拉就是这样做的。

8.In Burkina Faso, blogging is more than a pastime. It is the eyes and ears of thousands of net users.在布吉纳法索,写部落格并不只是种消遣娱乐,更是许多网路使用者收集资讯的眼耳。

9.The cotton monoculture that global demand imposed on Burkina Faso has turned the place into a desert.全球需求让布基纳法索只种植棉花,这令该国变成了一片沙漠。

10.In a country whose name means "the land of upright people, " accounts of corruption will always find their way into Burkina Faso's media.在一个国名意指正直人之地的国家,贪污却总有办法在布基纳法索的媒体里存活;