


美式发音: [ˈbɜrnər] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)nə(r)]



复数:burners  同义词

n.gas ring,ring,heat,flame,gas jet



1.煤气头;煤气灶火圈;炉膛the part of a cooker/stove, etc. that produces a flame

2.(取暖用的)炉子a large, sopd, metal piece of equipment for burning wood or coal, used for heating a room

a wood burner烧木柴的炉子


n.1.an object used for heating or burning something; one of the parts on the top of a stove that you heat pans on

1.燃烧器 outdoor 户外的 burner 燃烧器 outer casing 外缸 ...

2.烧嘴 turbocompressor 涡轮压缩机 burner 烧嘴 cupola 化铁炉,冲天炉 ...

3.灯头 burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼 burner n. 灯头,煤气头 burnish v. 擦亮,磨光 ...

4.煤气头 burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼 burner n. 灯头,煤气头 burnish v. 擦亮,磨光 ...

5.喷灯 burner tip 燃烧器喷头 burner 喷灯 burnetizing 氯化锌防腐 ...

6.炉头 NEW ARRIVAL 新品抢先看 Burner 炉头 烤炉 Outdoor Parts 户外配件 ...

7.火炉 Burned adj. 的过去式和过去分词 burner 火炉, 烧火的人 burnished 光泽, 抛光 ...


1.It may even hit when your treatment is over, when you're trying to catch up with everything you had to put on the back burner.甚至在治疗过程结束后,仍然会感到非常累,因为在你奋力前追的时候,肯定会把身体的备用能量全部用上。

2.Blowtorch: a portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing.喷灯:使混合气体和氧气产生更炽热火焰的便携助燃剂,常用于接合、焊接和玻璃吹制。

3.However after a few hours (once the oil burner was out) it was obvious that there was also a damp problem in this part of the hotel.可是没过几个小时后(在烧油炉熄灭之后),又出现潮湿的问题,显然酒店这一翼都存在这一问题。

4.But the issue seems to be on the back burner, at least for now.但是这个问题似乎暂时被搁置一旁,至少目前是这样。

5.The Fed isn't the only central bank that seems to be putting inflation worries on the back burner while fighting slow growth.美联储并不是唯一一家为了对抗经济放缓而把通胀担忧置之脑后的中央银行。

6.Back in Great Torrington, a spokeswoman for LOCOG said: 'The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.让我们把目光转回大托林顿。伦敦奥组委的一位女发言人说:“火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。”

7.Use a few drops in an oil burner or lamp ring to mask unpleasant odors or to bring the scents of Asia into your home.加几滴广霍香精油到基底油中熏香,可以遮盖不愉快的气味,也可以给你的家里带来一种亚洲的气息。

8.Multiple security threats in India's neighbourhood must be on the front burner of any new administration as soon as it is formed.新政府一旦成立,必须把印度周边的多重安全威胁视为当务之急。

9.As we did not have the money to carry out the project, we had to put it on the back burner.那个计划我们没有钱推行,只得暂时搁置了。

10.If I had delayed my speech, it would have sent a message to the American people that their business had been put on the back burner.如果我再推迟这个演讲,就相当于给美国民众传递这样一个信息——他们的事情并不重要。