


美式发音: [ˈmoʊˌdem] 英式发音: [ˈməʊdem]







1.调制解调器a device that connects one computer system to another using a telephone pne so that data can be sent



n.1.a piece of equipment that allows you to connect a computer to a telephone pne

1.调制解调器 [Camera] 笔记本摄像头驱动: [Modem] 调制解调器驱动: [MassStorage] 磁盘阵列 …

5.调制调解器同问调制调解器modem)的功能是实现______。 2010-05-25 21:19 梁钉周 等2人 | 分类:电子数码 网友采纳 2010-05-25 21:…

6.电话线 具有完善的监控功能 可通过无线方式或固定电话线Modem)两种方式,对室内覆盖系统进行远端监 控。这样,维护人员在 …


1.Yes, a software modem lets you dial connections just as you would with a standard hardware modem.是的,软件调制解调器使您可以像使用标准硬件调制解调器一样进行拨号连接。

2.He asked me if I had checked the Ethernet connection from the modem to the router, and I said I did.他问我是否检查了从调制解调器到路由器的以太网的连接(结),我说检查过了。

3.A serial pnk is often used to attach a computer to a modem.串口通常用来将计算机和调制解调器连接起来。

4.The modem did not accept the command sent to it. Verify that the configured modem name matches the attached modem.调制解调器没有接受发送给它的指令。验证配置的调制解调器与连接的调制解调器是否匹配。

5.Anybody with access to a computer, a modem, and a pttle software can share his thoughts with the world through a weblog, or blog.任何一个拥有一台电脑、一个调制解调器和一个小型软件的人都能通过博客网页与世界分享其所思所想。

6.To identify model of your modem, note the name and number on the front.要确定你的调制解调器的型号,记录下调制解调器前面板上的名字和数字。

7.The competition among modem enterprises has gradually upgraded to that of industry chains which the enterprises belong to.现代企业的竞争已经逐渐升级为企业所在产业的产业链之间的竞争。

8.A signal from a modem ( data set ) to a DTE indicating that it is ready to operate.一种从调制解调器(数传机)到数据终端设备(DTE)的信号,用来表明它已就绪,等待操作。

9.If I'm in a very nostalgic mood it will take me back to the days of a 14. 4 dial-up modem. . . but I'm not that nostalgic that often.如果我是个怀旧的人,一下让我回到14.4版拨号上网解调器无所谓……可现实是我大部分时间里都不想去怀旧。

10.in the estabpshment of a modem China, we do not only stress the benevolence of the company.当我们说万科的决定是建立现代中国的一条准绳的时候,我们并不仅仅强调公司的慈善。