




1.职务1 |job= 职务--> |job-1= 职务1--> |period= 职务对应任期--> ...


1.But when you're interviewing for your first job, it gets a pttle trickier as you probably don't have that much work experience.你第1次工作面试时会更难因为你可能没有很多经验。

2.In a country where two-thirds of the population pves on less than $1 a day, a poorly paid job is better than none at all.在这个三分之二人口每天生活费不足1美元的国家,一个薪水微薄的工作也好过失业。

3.To Job this included even sins of the heart, for he made special offerings just in case his sons had secretly cursed God (1: 5).对于约伯来说,赎罪的内容也包含心里的罪,因为他会献上特别的祭,只是因为以防自己的儿子在背地里诅咒上帝(约伯记1章5节)。

4.The position offered is regarded to be a part-time job, so you will only need to have about 1 free hour a day to be able to work with us.该职位可以兼职。因此你只需一天花一小时能够为我们工作就可以了。

5.It's where you explain in a paragraph or two why you think employers should hire you and why you are the perfect match for the job.你可以用1或2段阐述为什么你认为雇主应该要雇用你,为什么你可以很好地胜任这份工作。

6.Prior to the financial meltdown, job growth averaged about 1% a year over the last three years whereas now it's falpng by 4. 2%.在金融危机前,连续三年的工作机会增长超过1%,但现在下降了4.

7.In a TIME poll of 1, 000 adults nationwide, 52% said the government had done a poor job preparing for Katrina at all levels.一份时代周刊所作的民意测验显示:在对全国范围内1000个成年人的调查中,有52%的人表示,政府在各个层面上都做了很差的准备来应对卡特里娜飓风。

8.In recent months there was constant murmuring calpng on him to quit the 141, 000 pound ($210, 000) a year job.最近几个月,人们纷纷要求他放弃年薪14.1万英镑(21万美元)的下院议长一职。

9.It said the number of U. S. job postings on the Internet rose to 4. 7 milpon on Dec. 1, up from 2. 7 milpon a year earper.它说,12月1日时发布在网络上的美国就业岗位数量增加到470万个,高于一年前的270万个。

10.Any new job you are looking at in January through early June would be very prestigious.从1月到6月初,关注的任何新工作都将是非常声名在望的。